Joyful Warrior 30 Days in 30 days – 2015

30days in 30 days 2015

Back in January I  embarked upon a #30daysofyoga challenge.  It was for me, I wanted to dive deeper into yoga and challenge myself to get out of my exercise comfort zone and focus on just yoga for a full month.  During that #30days I did a few more rigorous workouts, but for the most part I focused on yoga.  My intention was to learn more, get better, and go deeper into the empowerment that #yoga brings to me. On a whim, I decided shared my journey on Instagram, which termed out to be an an awesome whim (#grace)!   The #30daysofyoga journey was amazing, enlightening and unbelieving empowering.  One of the reasons it was so empowering is from all fantastic feedback I received from so many people around the world who were standing in my corner, cheering me on and a some even started their own #30daysofyoga challenge!  On day one I started in  Warrior pose because, to me the warrior pose is a fantastic pose that reminds me,  that I am  strong,  sturdy and capable.

And on day 30 I came back to The powerful warrior pose, but with a slight variation into a  Joyful Warrior. #joyfulwarrior.

This #30days solidified that I am a woman/person/mother/sister/daughter/friend who is strong,  capable, resilient, powerful…and Joyful.

And you are too! 

Whoever you are, whatever your life circumstances, you are strong, capable, resilient, amazing, powerful and awesome!  You may just not know it and feel it yet!

So now for my #30in30challenge for you.  I am going to give a gift to myself everyday; that gift is time, energy and love.  And I am asking you to do the same!

So every day for 30days I am asking you to create some time for yourself to focus on yourself.

This time (as little as 10 minutes)  can be spent in whatever will bring you strength, both emotionally and physically).

Because I feel so passionately about the power and strength we get from exercise and physical activity this will be a main focus of my #30in30dayschallange. And I hope you make this part of your #30days too.  But this is not a focus with the intention of  “losing weight”, but with the intention  of proving to yourself that you can do it, that you are powerful and capable.  This is a journey of finding love and acceptance of and for yourself.

When you find that #youareenough as you are now, you will have the strength to move beyond what is keeping you stuck and into what is #possible!  Into the life and self of your dreams! 

So join me starting June 1 for #30days of making yourself a priority, finding your strength, your resilence and your awesomeness.  This will take some commitment on your part, if you are not in the habit of creating time for yourself, it will take some planning and forethought, but you are worth the time and energy, I promise!  And to all those of you who are thinking ” I can’t do this!” that is exactly why you should!

So let me break it down for you…


  • Starting June 1, 2015. Create at least 10 minutes (or more) everyday, to strengthen yourself with: physical activity (walking, running, biking, weight lifting, swimming…etc), Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Prayer, Deep breathing, Meditation, Daily mantras, being in nature…I could go on forever.  Just find what fills you up.  My only stipulation is that the time be spent in a spirit of loving kindness.


  • How to Post:  Post on your own Instagram, Twitter or Facebook pages (or all three), tag me and include the hashtags #Joyfulwarrior and #30in30.  It’s going to be awesome!
  • Also, join the Joyful Warrior Facebook and Twitter groups to connect with other Joyful Warriors!
  • Let me know  you are #allin for the #30in30dayschallange on my Instagram, Twitter or Facebook pages.  Oh and include pictures pretty please, I wanna see you beautiful faces!
  • Share the Love my friends! I want this movement to #empower, #strengthen and #inspire as many people as possible. So please spread the word!
  • Starting June 1 document your progress on Instagram, Twitter and/or Facebook and please tag me so I can see how awesome you are and share it (if possible).  You don’t have to document online everyday if you don’t want to, but do it as much as you can! It will really add to spirit of the challange to see each other succeeding everyday!  You will inspire people through your determination and progress. And we all want to share in your success and cheer you on! But if you are too shy to share the pictures on social media that’s fine, do it anyway!  I will there to cheer you on and stand in your corner…that is until you are ready to share your awesomeness with the world!.
  • Last but not least, Have fun!


  • Because I know you are awesome and I want you to know it too!
  • Because a challenge is easier when you have people in your corner, cheering you on.  Let’s be there for each other! #inspriation
  • Because these things are always more fun with friends!
  • And Because when we grow, shine and strength ourselves, we make the world a better place.  We are all in this together, let’s make it good

So who’s #allin and ready to be a #joyfulwarrior? Let me know in the comments below and in on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!

I can’t wait for you to Join me this is going to be amazing! See you June 1st!

Don’t forget to share this post and challenge with your friends,  the more the merrier!

LOL (lots of love),


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