30 Days of Yoga, 2016!

30 Days of Yoga 2016

Are you ready to get your Yoga on?!

The 30 days of Yoga Challenge starts tomorrow, on January 1, 2016, the first day of the New Year! I can’t think of a better way to start the New Year, than focusing on the Union between our Body, Mind, and Soul.
Why 30 days of yoga? Consistency my sweet friends, consistency. When are learning (or relearning) something new, it is difficult and feels uncomfortable, but with consistency and practice, you get more comfortable, and we can grow. With any form of change or shift, there discomfort in the beginning, and that is the place most people stop because most of us have become very uncomfortable with discomfort. But this is the place where the magic happens.

As I have talked about before, Yoga is a beautiful communion of our mind, body and soul. But to feel the benefits of the shifts that can occur in all three of these areas (especially the mind/soul areas), we have to get past the initial discomfort, so we can move from one side of the pain to the other. And this will allow us to dig deeper into ourselves and our abilities.

Give yourself the oppurtunity to experience what you can do

Another (very) important aspect of this 30days of Yoga practice is getting into the practice of putting yourself, your needs, your health, your personal growth higher on your priority list. It has become common practice to put everyone and everything ahead of ourselves because we think this makes our lives and the lives of those around us better. But it doesn’t, it just dulls us, and, in turn, dulls the world around us. I talked more about this during the Joyful Warrior 30in30 Challenge.

So move yourself up to the top of your priority list, so you can dust off your sparkle and let it shine!

So what am I asking of you in this #30daysofyoga? Some form of Yoga practice every day, that is at least 10 minutes, but preferably longer. I get it, some days it is hard to carve out 1-2hours for yourself, but I know you can find at least 10 minutes every day to devote to yourself…and if you can’t find 10 minutes, we should talk!

A few people have asked me how to get started, so I thought I would give you some ideas for starting your yoga practice. So, I have to say that one of my favorite ways to practice yoga is in a class, directed by a certified Yoga instructor because they can give you advice and insight on your technique and form, and they also share with you some lovely Yogi inspiration. But going to a class every day (or even most days for me) may not be realistic. So I often practice at home using a few different tools. Some days create a practice for myself using info from books, magazines, and other info, I have absorbed from here and there over the last few years. Also, Pinterest is a great resource for links to great Yoga tutorials and information. Check out my Yoga and Meditation Pinterest board, I have been pinning like crazy!

I also love taking online Yoga classes…here are the two online classes sources I use in my own practice.

Gaia.com – this is a great online subscription that allows you to take some great Yoga classes from some the most amazing and sought after instructors from around the world. Here is a sign-up link, if you are interested. You can sign up for your first month for only 99cents and then it is $9.95/month, which in my opinion is definitely money well spent. (Disclousre: these are affiliate links, I get a free month if you sign up with this link, which I would appreciate because I am using the service already 🙂 win:win)

Yoga with Adriene – I found Adriene, during my 30 days of yoga last year and still love using her videos. In fact, she has a 30 day Yoga challenge sign-up on her website, which allows you to sign up for daily emails, which is pretty great, I think! #Isignedup

Here are some more great resources I found around the web, that I will check out more fully during this month, but I thought I would share them with you too.

10 Great Yoga Youtube channels

Do You Yoga – I spent some time looking around her site last night, and I liked what I saw. 🙂

Yogaapproved.com – I just found this website, and I like it. Here is a hilarious video about “Whats wrong with Yoga” this enlighting video introduced me to The Bad Yogi, and from this video, I love her already!

Life is Either a Daring adventure or nothing

Are you ready to start your Daring Adventure? I am!

Ok, now tell me, how else can I help you start your #30daysofyoga? And because we are working together on this beautiful journey, I want you to tell us what you have found to make your #30daysofyoga awesome? I can’t wait to get started; this is going to be amazing!



P.S. If you are posting on Social Media Don’t forget to tag me and use the hashtag #30daysofyoga, so I can see your awesomeness and others can follow along too! Oh, and you can throw in a #joyfulwarrior into your post too if you want! Which reminds me, have you signed up for the Joyful Warrior Facebook page? If not, you should, it’s awesome!






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