The 5 Keys to Creating Better Habits and Lasting Change

In this Two a Part series for my Live Well Facebook Live Show all about the 5 Keys for creating Better Habits and creating lasting change.

Part #1

(To skip the chit-chat in the beginning, skip to 5:10 for the real content to begin)

Part # 2

(To skip the chit-chat in the beginning, skip to 9:30 for the real content to begin…I was really chatty today)

Main takeaways:

  1. Create Awareness – Decide on your goal (aka, what you want to change) and nonjudgementally become aware of what you are doing now that is keeping you from achieving your goals.
  2. Start where you are – Decide on 1 or 2 things you can do to begin moving forward towards your goals, but start where you are with small doable things first
  3. Create a daily practice – Get into the habit of caring for yourself every day. Ideally, your daily practice is a mix of your key steps and other things you can do to care for yourself promote your overall wellbeing, like making your bed and meditation.  Practice creates discipline —> discipline is key to being consistent —> consistency is the only way to create real change. 
  4. Reframe your mindset – Make sure your mental space is supporting your goal, not sabotaging it with negative self-talk and non-helpful think. ( there is a lot about this in part #2)
  5. Have fun – Whatever you do make sure it’s enjoyable and fun!  Fun is more sustainable than drudgery.  Once you create a foundation of consistently exercising, eating well and whatever other wellbeing lifestyle changes you made, then you can add the harder tasks you may not have enjoyed as much in the beginning, but you feel would make you a more well-rounded person.

The Facebook Live episode was is brought to The 30 Day Reset Wellness Course, which begins tomorrow January 19, 2018! If you are ready to start living well, feeling healthy and being happy, sign up today!

Enroll in the 30 Day Reset Wellness Course      Enroll in the 30 Day Reset Wellness Course + 1:1 Coaching     

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