5 Rules For Beginning

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the information out there?

Where do you begin?  Do you eat cleanly or do you count your macros…what about ketosis?  What about protein?

OMG, it’s no wonder you are confused!

Here in this video!  I have 5 tips…rules…tips…no rules, let’s just call them rules(!) to help you begin creating fundamental sustainable change in every aspect of your life!

5 Rules to Beginning from Sally Twellman on Vimeo.

5 Rules for Beginning (anything!)

  1. Start where you are now, and loving where you are now and WHO you are now. No point in wishing anything to be different, the point is you are ready to make change
  2. Ask yourself “What worked in the past”. Take a nonjudgmental look at what you did in the past that was successful, even for a time and build upon that, the point is to build upon your strengths. And if this is something totally new, no problem just look at what you are good at and what you can apply to the task at hand—>building upon your strengths will always yield greater results than just focusing on your shortcomings!
  3. Anticipate your stumbling blocks.  Take a nonjudgmental look at where you typically stumble.  This is not a time to beat yourself up, it’s simply a change to anticipate where you can remove those blocks so you don’t trip over them again.
  4. Choose 1-2 things to change.  Choose a few small, doable changes that will push you a bit out of your comfortable zone and take action on them for 1-2 weeks.  Then once you have a good foundation, you can build upon them.  Focus on foundational stuff first. (if you don’t know what foundational stuff is for your specific case, contact me and I can help you!)
  5. BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!  That’s right, just start. Do something and that action will create momentum and confidence and then continue taking action every. single. day. and you will get there!

Ok, now go!  You got this, I believe in you!



P.S. Helping people create a happy, healthy life is what I do! So if you really ready to create important sustainable changes in your relationship with food, your body and want start living a life you love…contact me, girl!

P.P.S. Need some support along your journey? Join my amazing Facebook group called the Vibrant Warriors! The Vibrant Warriors are an amazing tribe of diverse, like-minded women warriors, who live all around the world and who are focused on being their best selves and living full intentional lives!

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