7 Ways to Avoid Bingeing on Halloween Candy

Halloween Candy


Here is are some ways to keep from eating so much candy around Halloween:

  1. Take up Boxing and wear boxing gloves continuously from Oct 15 – Nov 15…because it’s really hard to grab, unwrap candy and eat with boxing gloves on.
  2. Get out the straps: When you start to get that candy craving, strap yourself to the nearest chair or purchase one of those handy straight jackets and wear that, until the craving subsides
  3. Start Punchin’ – Whenever you get the urge to go for the Halloween candy, go ahead and give yourself a swift slog in the noggin. And if god forbid, you find yourself already eating candy (having unconsciously wandered in), go ahead and give yourself 2 swift punches and head down to suggestion #7
  4. Cancel Halloween: It’s just too much, so you should just cancel Halloween and all Halloween related events all together. So what if your 4 year-old has her heart set on being Wonder Woman! You have NO self control or willpower, so it’s better to just avoid temptation all together. Besides, your 4 year-old needs to learn that life is about sacrifice and people shouldn’t be having too much fun anyways.
  5. Squeeze in: On Oct 15 (1st Halloween event) start wearing your 4year-olds clothes, yes they are tight, but shouldn’t you be that small? I mean, it’s weak to have actually grow into an adult sized woman…well if you have been weak and grown to adult woman size, go ahead and start wearing your tightest jeans from college, you can do it, pull them on, lay on the bed and pull up the zipper with a wire hanger and walk around. This will be a good and proper reminder that you need to slow-your-roll-fatty…now is probably a good time to proceed to #7
  6. Chill out: Take a cold shower. That’s right, when the urge strikes, drop everything and hop in the shower with or without your clothes on. Jerk yourself back to the cold side and just stuff those needs back down inside. Thats right, just push and push, until you feel cold and numb again. ????
  7. Get Ugly: Set yourself down in front of a mirror and start telling yourself what a freaking weak loser, toad-faced, good-for-nothing cad, who is always failing and ultimately unlovable. (Oh wait, you probably have this one covered and do it year round, so good…carry on!)

What do you think?

Too harsh?

Or not Hardass enough?

Ok, if these don’t work for you or you have tried them before and they just don’t seem to be helping, I have another idea. (psst…this will actually work!)

Let’s find a way to change your relationship with food and your body, so you can end the struggle.

Let’s Find out why you feel such compulsion to over-eat and eat foods that you know make you feel bad (Emotionally and Physically).

Let’s find out why you have such a loathing for your body (and your life?) that you feel the need to numb it with food, booze or whatever your checkout/”de-stress”/take-the-edge-off method of choice happens to be.

Let’s find a way to change your body and life in a loving, nurturing and sustainable way. So you will free yourself from the torture dieting, overeating, guilt, self-hate and failure hamster-wheel you are on.

How does that sound?

Better, huh?

Ok, before I begin with the How Tos of creating loving, nurturing, sustained change, let’s talk a biology for a sec.

Wanna know why those cravings are so strong?

It’s because sugar and candy are enticing and addicting, and our cave-people bodies are programed to want more of this quick and easy calorie source, so our bodies become programmed to really really enjoy the feeling we get while eating this stuff (enter dopamine stage right) and when we use this often enough to alter our mood or dull those pointy feelings, we create a habit and coping strategy = Emotional Eating.

This is what makes all the sweets, candy, treats, snack foods available around the holidays tough to avoid. I mean, think of it this way, when your blankey is just laying on the couch and you are feeling wound-up and stressed, wouldn’t you just pick that blankey up and nuzzle it a little? Yep, you would.

Well, what if eating was you cuddly blankey? It is warm, familiar, soothing and smells really good. But unlike cuddling a blankey , emotional eating as a way of soothing has many negative health and emotional consequences.

So here are my real and actually effective  7 Ways to Avoid Bingeing on Halloween Candy (for the holidays and for the rest of your life)

  1. Put down the boxing gloves and pick up a Pen: Most of us who are emotional eating, have specific times that we feel the urge, so the first step is to become aware of what you are thinking and feeling in this moment. Instead of reacting and trying to dull the pain, allow yourself to understand and explore it (in a non-judgmental way) so you can find a better more effective way of dealing with the pain or discomfort you are feeling. Keep a journal of thoughts and feelings, you will start to see patterns over time. When you are aware of the thoughts and patterns you can start to change them.
  2. Set yourself Free: Unstrap yourself from the addiction and compulsion to eat and overeat. It is time to start exploring why you need to numb, heal those wounds (we all have them!) and set yourself free. Over-Eating is just a symptom of a problem, you must figure out and ‘solve’ the problem or you will continue to keep over eating.
  3. No more Punching – Hunger is natural and normal, so stop beating yourself up for feeling hungry! Instead, tune in to what you feel. I love having my clients use a hunger scale as a way to identify hunger and emotions before and after meals and anytime you feel the need to eat. And don’t forget to stay non-judgmental about your findings…your hunger/fullness is a guide to health and wholeness, not a bludgeoning tool for yourself.
  4. Plan for it: Have fun at Halloween; just create a plan so you are successful, however, “success” means to you. That could be eating only 1 piece of candy, eating no candy or eating 10 pieces of candy, it’s totally up to you. Whatever it is, set that intention and remind yourself of it in a kind and compassionate way, every time you get the urge to dive into the candy bag; “I wont eat any candy because eating it makes me more hungry and feel yuck” If you break this commitment, it’s fine don’t berate yourself, just remind yourself of your plan and recommit, it’s all good, you will get there! As far as the mounds and mounds of post Halloween candy goes, get it out of your environment   You can donate it, pack it away in treat bags for the kid’s holiday presents, make crafts out of it, freeze it or even simply throw it away (the loads of sugar is not good for your kids either. Do what you have to do to stay healthy!
  5. Dress up: Dress yourself up, it could be in a fun Halloween costume or just something fabulous that makes you feel great. The only way you will start healing those wounds that are causing you to emotionally eat, is by seeing and treating yourself as someone who is worth the effort…and your body is part of the package that is you, so start appreciating and loving it as it is now. Don’t worry, this will not resign you, it will energize you to start making changes!
  6. Chill out: Take some time to recharge. Take a hot bath, sleep in, take a walk, drink some hot tea…treat yourself like a cherished person. You are worth the time and effort. Yes, this is productive time (I know that is what you were thinking and I am totally rolling my eyes right now!)
  7. Be Loving: We are who we think we are…so if you want to be different, start thinking of yourself differently. Start by saying kind and loving things to yourself instead of mean and shaming things. How do you talk to your children? Say those things to yourself. If it is difficult to talk to yourself like that, pretend that you are speaking to a child (you will be speaking to your inner child, it’s likely that is where the wound started). This is powerful stuff!

Whacha think? Actually sounds harder than the 1st 7 ways, doesn’t it? I know, but it gets easier with practice.

Just start and see how it goes, I believe in you.



P.S. Need help understanding and sorting through all those pointy feelings, call me girl, I got ya!

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