Are you drowning in the Sea of Doing?

Are you drowning in the Sea of Doing

Do you ever feel like you are super busy, but don’t feel like you really get much done?

I do.

I talk a lot about the importance of taking action, and how important it is in creating momentum and creating the desired change in your life.

This is so true.

Ok, we make decision for change, make a commitment, set some goals, do some research, create tasks and get busy. This is exciting and fun.

We start and stretch out of our comfort zone a little or even a lot, things start moving, we make some strides and cool things happen. Then as time passes, our growth slows and we feel stagnate. Blah.

It’s possible that we have fallen into the sea of “doing”

I am sooooooo guilty of this.

In fact, my default is swimming in the sea of “doing”. It is where I feel comfortable.

It’s much easier to fill your time up with simple, low risk tasks than stretch and put ourselves out there, and risk failing.

And the problem is, this “doing” is all well-meaning. We start out by taking a risk, and then start planning, researching, taking notes, making notes and thinking a lot…but then we look a few months down the road and nothing has really changed or we haven’t made that much progress. This is really discouraging.

It sucks.

So why do we fall into this trap?

Fear. Our faithless, worst-case scenario, procrastinating, over-planning, worrying, old friend, fear.

Our fear voice is always trying to keep us safe, so when we are starting veer off into unknown territory, it gives us lots of well meaning advice, which if we follow, slows our growth.

“Be well prepared.” And this is good advice, it’s important to be well prepared, but this can go awry, when we get stuck in the mode of preparing and researching. We think that if we only prepare for all scenarios, we can eliminate all possible different or bad outcomes and we are hoping that at some point leaps will not feel so scary. But the fact is, we have no control over the future, regardless of our best efforts and “stuff” hits the fan all the time and

Leaps are scary, always. But they are worth it, always.

“You need this before you can do this Not good advice. Yes, there are somethings we definitely need to put in place before we begin something new, but most of the time we don’t need as much as we think. Again, nothing really makes that leap easy, you just have to begin and you will figure it out along the way, trust in yourself.

“You should probably check, email/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Periscope, something important has probably some through!” –Bad advice. I am almost 99.99% positive that nothing urgent or life altering has happened on Facebook since you check it this morning. Schedule in times to look at this, and check it only then because otherwise you will lose hours of time.

“Oh man, you need to do the dishes/laundry/call your friend back/send a text about Girl Scouts…ect” More, not so great advice. Yes, this stuff all has to get done. But it doesn’t have to get done right now. You goals are important too, you are important too. The honest fact is, this can be a avoidance/procrastination technique, this stuff is just easy stuff that can give us the illusion of busy but we are really the harder more important stuff. (This may push some buttons, but take an honest look at this)

I could go on and on with examples, and I am sure you can come up with some of your own. But these are just tactics we use that allow us to feel productive, give us excuses, and feel safe.

But we do get hurt, no matter how safe we play it. And actually, when we live our life in safe mode, we don’t grow, expand and show up in as our most fullest, most beautiful selves. And that hurts.


So I ask you…

How are you showing up?

If you kept doing exactly what you are doing today, where would you be in 6 months? 1 year? (Hint: Be realistic with yourself using your recent past of a predictor of the future)

What is getting in the way of making your desired progress? Why? (Hint: dig deep here. If the answer is “I don’t have enough time”, why don’t you have enough time? Do you need to readjust your goal to make it more realistic or Are you keeping yourself too busy, making it impossible to meet goals?)

What is one thing you can start doing today, that will get you closer to your goal?

What is one thing you should stop doing today to get you to your desired goal?


Truth: The world needs you to start showing up in your full capacity today. Can you imagine a world where each one of us shows up fully, authentically expressing our own unique gifts every day? It would be awesome and I guarantee the world would be a very different place.




P.S.  If you need help simplifying your life, so you can start showing up in your full capacity, contact me today about working together individually or as part of the Empowered Warrior Academy!

Start being authentically you! 

Start Showing up as the fullest brightest version of you

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