Be Strong.

Being strong is the only way you can serve and care for others.

And becoming and being strong takes time and energy.  Are you giving yourself that?

The truth is,   ? you ain’t no good to nobody if you are running on empty.

We have this idea that to be loving, caring, nurturing and in service to others we have to provide that to others first then if there is time left over…then that is our time.

We are living on leftovers.

But this isn’t sustainable. Our well runs dry. If we are constantly giving from our well, and never allowing it to fill back up, it will run dry.  Then there is nothing left for anyone, not any freshwater or leftovers.

So take time for yourself, become strong, feel good, full of energy….so you can be strong and do the best by your people!



Listen to this on Soundcloud

Lot’s of Love,


P.S. And to all you mommas out there, taking care of YOURSELF is the best thing you can do for your kiddos. When you are full, you can be the best version of yourself.  And being happy and healthy gives your kiddos an idea of what that looks like, so they can do that for themselves, so they can be healthy, happy, well-rounded adults.

Tweet it out! ?

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