Be a Beckon of Love and Light

Be a Beckon of love and light

I woke up to yet another horrendous act this morning and I knew that I had to sit down and spill the contents of my heavy heavy heart…so here goes.

Yesterday, 5 people were killed, and many more injured during a peaceful rally, in response to (among other incidences) 2 other people were senseless deaths from earlier in the week. So sad

There is just so much hate, fear, anger and disregard for human life in our world. And this makes for a bitter, corrosive environment for the human spirit. Actually, I really limit to amount of news I watch and listen to, because we live in a world where fear mongering and spreading hateful propaganda is a tradable, bankable commodity and I like to keep my distance to maintain my mental and emotional sanity.

So normally, I feel very strongly about not commenting on politics, religion or current events in general on my public platform,  because I want “this place” to be safe space for you to gain insight and tools to help you on your personal growth journey and you don’t need my opinions (and I have a lot of them!)  muddying the waters.

But I just couldn’t stay silent today, I feel I need to use my platform and my voice speak a truth and message that I hope brings you peace and happiness and will elevate the world to a happier and more peaceful place too.

There is so much pain, hate and destruction being experienced in the world today and it’s affecting us in profound ways.  Even if it’s not happening to you or in your backyard, it is negatively impacting you and you can feel it.

Because we are all one. We are one collective spirit body.

Much like an ocean has individual wave, it is one collective body of water.  I believe we are one collective spirit body, existing separately but fully connected.

And the current atmosphere of the world is polluting our ocean. And just because the pollution didn’t happen directly in our ocean space the toxins will find their way to us and we still feel the effects of the contamination.

And the pollution that is contaminating  our water are the toxins of fear, pain, anger, hate, isolation, disregard and indifference.

These toxins are insidious and the worst part is because we have been existing in the contamination for a while now, we think it’s normal, but it’s not. We are being poisoned.

But, you know what? We already have the cure.

Love. Intentional Love.

All the great religious teaching of this world, come back to this one truth of love. And from love, comes compassion, empathy, kindness, connection, and joy.

And this pure love exists in each of us and is ready to be used.

So dig deep my friends, bring it out and spread it around. Be a beckon of love to everything and everyone around you.

This may sound silly, but send out “love rays” to the people  you encounter.

Radiate love from the very depth of your being.

Now, I know some of you may be rolling your eyes, I know this may sound a little cooky, but try it.  Have your very own personal LoveFest, where you sprinkle seeds of kindness and love all around you.

Here’s how…you can start small if you want.

Set the intention to do it for 10 minutes, or while you are at the grocery store or at the post office.

Be present and say in your mind to the people you pass by “ I love you” or “I wish you love and happiness” or “I am sending you love and light” “You are important to me” “ Be in Peace”


Be kind

Compliment them on a job well done.

Do anything that feels good (with in reason of course, don’t be a weirdo ????)…the possibilities are endless.

Then check in with yourself.   How are you feeling? I bet you feel a renewed surge of energy and joy. Feelings that can only come when you share pure love and connection with other human beings.

I promise this will elevate your life and like #magic, it will elevate the lives of the people you encounter in your life.

We each have the power and magic within us to change our world, we simply have to use it.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said “ Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate can not drive out hate, only love can do that.”

So in this world of darkness and hate, be beckons of light and love.

So in this world of darkness and hate, be beckon of light and love.


I love you.

Wishing you love and light my friends,


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