Be your best friend and love yourself better

This is the 3rd in a 4 part weight loss series about how to free yourself of heaviness,  the body, mind and soul kind!

The Beatles were right when they said “Love is all you need”.   Love in an every form is the magical sparkle of transformation.

But we get this WAY wrong when we are trying to change or transform our lives in some way. Instead of beginning from a place of care and nurture, like “I love you, you are beautiful and amazing and I want you to be even better” we begin at a broken empty place, a place of “You suck, and maybe if you _____ you will suck less (but I doubt it!- says that extra mean voice in your head).

When we start from this place of emptiness, we are constantly fighting and working to fill that hole. And if you have ever had the experience of trying to fill a hole in the ground, you know that you need way more dirt to fill it, then what you took out.  SO it leaves you feeling depleted, dirty and tired, and your damn hole is still not full!

#truth But the thing is, there was no hole. The hole you are trying to fill,  the broken incompleteness is just a creation of your mind, mental messaging, and your life’s experience. It may feel real, you may even think you can find evidence to support this brokenness, but it’s not real, it’s a creation of your life experience. Because the truth is, you are full and  you are complete.  You are magnificent.

The truth of you are whole.

So what would happen if you spent that energy you have been using to filling holes, to plant beautiful gardens?

You are beautiful fertile soil, so spend your time sewing seeds of love, care and nurturing yourself and growing fruit and flowers.

What would happen then?

How would that change how you eat?

How would that change how you moved?

How would that change the way you show yourself to the world?

Sew seeds of self-love and fullness. Forget about trying to fill holes and focus on cultivating your beautiful garden.

Care for yourself, your body and your life with love, like a best friend would. (Like a master gardener, best friend.???? )

Be your own loving best friend, water and nourish your garden and you will thrive.


Well, the answer to that is different for everyone.  So ultimately, you will have to find your own answers,  but everyone loves feeling special and important.  And everyone wants to hear they are loved.  So maybe you could start by speaking to yourself like a cherished friend.  Say to yourself  “I love you” and say to your body “Thanks for waking up for me this morning.” and making loving promises to yourself, for just today “I will be kind to you today because you are important to me.”

What do you need to hear? What would make you feel loved? –> Say that.

Don’t underestimate the power of what you have to say. You are important. You matter.



P.S.  Need some more support, loving, inspiring friends? Join my Vibrant Warrior Tribe.  They are magic.

P.P.S. Are you ready to stop filling those hole and ready to start cultivating your flowers? I want to teach you how!  I work smart women who are ready to drop the heaviness,  reconnect with their soul, so they can start sewing the seeds of self – love and self-care because  so she can shine and live a life she loves (in a body she loves)!  If this is you? If you are ready to finally transform your body and your life, schedule a free transformation call with me to discuss your goals, what’s holding you back and start strategy to help you start dropping the heaviness you are carrying around. Schedule yourself HERE.

And in case you missed them, here is  Part 1, Part 2 of the is 4 part series





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