Go ahead and buy those fluffy towels

My husband was folding laundry the other day, he said “wow, these towels are so nice” as he neatly folded the plump soft cream guest bathroom towels. Then he picked up our thinner, coarser every day (8+year old) brown towels, he said “Why don’t we have nice towels to use? I want some nicer towels.”

I said, “Oh honey, we don’t need new towels, those towels are fine.”

But next time he was out at the store, he picked up some nicer, softer, more luxurious towels for us to use.

When he brought them home, I rolled my eyes; first, because I thought it was a bit frivolous and impractical (our old towels were just fine), and second because he choose gray (I’m not a fan of gray, to me, gray is drab and doesn’t match our décor). But I was happy for him because he seemed genuinely excited about having new towels.

So after I took them back and exchanged them for the happier, more lively color of turquoise, we there washed and dried and were ready to use.

And from the moment I used our new happy towel, I realized how delightful having fluffy, luxurious towels really was. After every shower, I found that I was looking forward to using our new towels because it just added a bit of niceness and brilliance to the simple action of taking a shower.

I thought, “Who knew such a small thing, could add such enjoyment!”

And then it occurred to me, I did! I already knew how nice it was to use a plush towel because I had invested in lovely towels for the guest room. I saw the value and wanted to treat my house guests to something special. I saw the importance in making other people fell pampered, but didn’t see the value in treating myself (or my hubby) the same way.

It was an epiphany.

Why was it ok to treat my guests to something lovely and luxurious, but doing the same thing for myself was considered silly and frivolous?

Well, it’s not. It’s not silly or frivolous.

We should go out of our way to treat ourselves with the same care and loving attention to detail as we do the people around us.

The jester doesn’t have big or grand, it can be something as simple as buying the nicer perfume you like better, or picking up some fresh flowers for yourself at the store or investing in some lovely, plush towels for your bathroom.

It’s the little things that are often the most meaningful.

So go out and get yourself some new towels or whatever your thing is!

Invest in yourself, you are worth it!

Lemme know…what is one small thing you can do to pamper and invest in yourself?




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