Calling your soul sisters

 I found a new soul sister last week. ?

It was quite unexpected. I walk to pick my kids up from school and normally; I head there, pick them up and head straight home with a few hellos and hi’s along the way. But I don’t spare very much time because there is always something that needs to be done.

Well, my older daughter recently had an afterschool leadership job, so instead of going right home, I needed to wait. So I parked myself under the oak trees letting Piper play while I wait.

But what I saw as an inconvenience is a gift of space and opportunity.

While I was waiting there I met another mother, I will call her Jill. I love meeting new people, being in their presence and chatting about our life and shared experience. Normal school chat is made up of pleasantries and surface chatting, which while it has its place, small talk and chatting sometimes feels stale. Well, the other day, I was talking with Jill and something beautiful happened…we moved below the surface to the depth of our realness.

Soul talk.

A little background. I grew up Catholic, and while it’s a beautiful religion of rite and ritual, it wasn’t resonating with me. I have since become a bit of a spiritual mutt, with a wide spiritual base made up of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, the goddess and other mystical lineages…but don’t claim anyone doctrine as mine. Spirit, love, sacredness, and consciousness are my dogma and that feels open and filling to me and I connect with spirit daily.

But this isn’t something I speak of freely, because I live in a very conservative evangelical area and frankly talking of spirit, Jesus, moon cycles and tarot cards under the oak trees at my kids’ school sounds uncomfortable and even a little frightening.

But for some reason the walls were down, the spirit was around and we both stepped from behind the veil.

Through both of us being open and vulnerable and sharing our very different but similar paths, we connected. And it felt safe. It felt exhilarating to connect on such a visceral soul-connected way.

It was soul igniting and affirming. It was Magic.

Now I have a question for you? When was the last time you opened yourself, your beliefs and your heart up to be shared with others? I know it can be scary, but it’s so worth it.

✨It’s magic.✨

And it keeps us connecting and connected, and it allows us to practice standing in our beliefs and using our voice. It’s easy to express our beliefs where we know it will be confirmed, but the impact is less because it often reverberates around an echo chamber. But when we speak our truth with openness when the spirit moves us in unknown space, we have a much greater chance of finding kindred spirits, (possibly) amplifying that truth and gain a new perspective. And it helps us call in your soul sisters.

Love and Spirit,


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