Chicken and Broccoli Twice Baked Potatoes

Hello friends!  Twice Baked Potatoes…I know, don’t see that very often, right?  Right.  Well, I am mixing things up today.  I recommend making these on the weekends because they do take a bit of time to create, but they are worth it!  They are yummy, simple, my kids think they are fun.  And they are different from the run of the mill tators.  So definitely try them.  Also, I always make extra because they can be frozen easily for another time when you don’t have a  time or the mental ware-with-all to cook (think friday night!!)

Here we go.  So first, as always wash your tators well to remove the dirt.  I am not a fan of eating dirt, nor am I a fan of scrubbing potatoes, so I actually soak them in water for an hour or so then I simply have to rinse them, then towel them off.  After a long soak, that dirt pretty much just wipes off.


Bake your potatoes at 425 degrees for about 50-60min.  I don’t salt/pepper/oil them here because the filling has so much flavor, it’s not necessary (IMHO), but you definitely can if you want.

Pollo con spices

I cube about 1 – 1.5 lbs of chicken and brown with a touch of oil (avoid sticking), salt, pepper, paprika and poultry seasoning.  Toss around to brown evenly.


When the potatoes are done and they are cool enough to handle, slice them in half long ways.


Then I take a small scooper (not sure of the proper name, I would call it an ice cream scooper or maybe a melon baller…anyway) take you mini scooper and scoop of the middle of each potato half.  Reserving the scooped potato in a large mixing bowl.


Scoop all the way to the bottom of the potatoes, but be sure to leave a good solid wall around the sides to allow for stability.  Set aside.


Add about 2-3 rounded Tbsp of greek yogurt (or sour cream) to the potato,  along with a large pinch of salt and generous fresh ground pepper. Also about 1 cup of chicken broth to moisten it (you can use cream or milk here, but I choose chicken broth because it is leaner).

Pots filling

I normally finally mince 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1/2cup chives and grate about 1/2 cup cheddar cheese. Then roughly chop my Chicken and broccoli.  But this day for some reason I tried to “chop” everything up in the food processor (I use my Ninja blender, but one of these days I will invest in a proper food processor) and was unhappy with the results (too minced).  So I will go back to my old way of hand chopping/mincing…I think it is just as fast and much less messy!  But I kept the pictures because I didn’t want to start over and I figured you guys would get the gist…because you are awesome out of the box thinkers!

IMG_4135Then transfer the chicken mixture into the potato bowl and mash with a potato masher, until everything is combined. If it seems dry add some more broth.IMG_4137Using your mini scooper replace the potato mixture into the hollow part of the potato (I almost said potato hole, but felt that would sound inappropriate) Grate another 1/4-1/2 cup to sprinkle on the top.IMG_4139

Bake on 350degree for about 30min, until they are heated through and the cheese is melty

Chicken and Broccoli Twice Baked Potato

Yum!  Enjoy!

IMG_4149This recipe makes a lot, so I always have some left over to freeze and they are great frozen!

You can always half the recipe for a single meal 🙂

Chicken and Broccoli Twice Baked Potatoes
Recipe type: dinner
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 16
  • 8-9small to med Russet Potatoes
  • 1 - 1.5 lb of chicken breast, cubed
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 2 tsp Poultry seasoning
  • ½ tsp
  • Course Sea Salt
  • ¼tsp fresh ground Pepper
  • 2-3 rounded Tbsp greek yogurt
  • 1 cup chicken broth (extra to moisten, if needed)
  • 1 rounded cup of steamed broccoli
  • ½ cup chives, chopped
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup grated cheese, split
  • Large pinches of salt and pepper to season potato mixture
  1. Bake (washed) potatoes at 425degrees for 50-60min until soft
  2. Cook cubbed chicken with salt, pepper, paprika, and pountry seasoning
  3. When potatoes are cooked and cooled enough to handle, half with knife (length wise). Scoop out middle of each potatoe half and reserve in a large mixing bowl.
  4. Fine mince and chop the chicken, broccoli, chives, and garlic. Add these + ½ cup of the grated cheese the the potato. Using a potato masher, mash and mix well. Add more chicken broth if you feel this is to dry.
  5. Using your mini scooper, replace the potato mixture back into the potato skins. Top with remaining cheese.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30min, until heated through
  7. Enjoy
  8. Freeze the leftovers


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