Chocolate Covered Trail Mix

chocolate covered trail mix

Recipe Redux time again!  This month we were charged with pairing our leftover valentines chocolate with something delicious!  As I was thinking about what my favorite chocolate combo is, I kept thinking of nuts and fruit, but couldn’t decide between the two. Then last week as I was eating some dried fruit and nuts trail mix, it hit me, why choose, I have both!  And the chocolate covered trail mix was born.   I took it a few steps further and made three different kinds flavors, cayenne pepper, salted and lavender ( I have a new found obsession for adding lavender to my dishes ;)).

This is super easy and a delicious treat that is both healthy (nuts, are little nutrientent powerhouses) and interesting 🙂

Hope you enjoy it!

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Place about a cup of your favorite good quality chocolate chips in a double boiler and gently heat until smooth.  Used 1/2 dark chocolate and 1/2 milk chocolate.


While the chocolate is melting, place about 1 to 1 1/2 cup of trail mix on some parchment paper.  Since I made 3 different flavors, I had three of these.choc trial mix

Drizzle about 1/3 cup of chocolate on each mound of trail mix.  Sprinkle with the flavoring choice.chocolate covered trail mix

Mix with your hands and allow to cool and harden.  Then Enjoy!

See so easy!

Chocolate Covered Trail Mix
Serves: 12
  • 3-4cups of trail mix (dried fruits and nuts)
  • 1 - 11/2 cup of good quality chocolate chips
  • 1-2 tsp of Cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp Course Sea Salt
  • ½ tsp dried Lavender
  1. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler
  2. Spread the trail mix on parchment paper
  3. Drizzle ⅓ cup of chocolate over each mound of trail mix
  4. Sprinkle the flavoring options over each mound (if desired)
  5. Toss with your fingers
  6. Allow to cool and harden.
  7. Enjoy!



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