Commitment is a Decision

Let’s talk commitment today.

Pain is the catalyst for change. Ending pain and avoiding future pain.   And this uncomfortable and so we decide to make a change

But the thing about pain and struggle is that is waxes and wanes.

But something prompts us to start taking different action because we are creatures of habit and making change it hard because there are so many moving parts and habits that make up our lives. And very often we have created those habits because they work for us on some level, so give out time away too freely because we like making people happy, we over eat in the evenings, because it feels good, we sleep until the last moment because we stay up late watching TV to unwind, we don’t exercise because it takes too much energy or we feel bad about rearranging everyone’s schedules…

But something caused us to want to make changes in the first place. And how badly do we want it? This is when we decide to start, but anyone can start…but it’s the continuing that create success.   This is commitment.

Commitment means continuing to do what you said you would do, long after the mood you said it in has left you.

And commitment and resilience is the difference between getting it done and succeeding or not.

And Commitment isn’t about willpower it’s about decision. We make decisions every day that we stay committed to and feel strongly about. If we are in a committed relationship and stay faithful, that’s commitment. If we decide employment is a good thing and we go to work every day, that’s commitment. It’s all about deciding the outcome is work the cost.

But commitment wanes in areas where we have decided to the outcome is worth the cost. And the place I see this happen the most is how we care for ourselves. When we are in pain, we decide that elevating that pain is worth the cost…but then as time goes by we forget and knock ourselves off the pedestal and make everything else the priority and our commitment falters. We forget that we have decided.

We forget that we have decided.

So how do make sure we remember? We keep it on our priority list by keeping it on our radar and giving it attention every day. You give your spouse love every day and work through problems. You go to work every day. You do something for yourself everyday, someday you have 10 minutes, and some days you will have a full hour or more.

But deciding to keep it front and center is the key. This is how you really elevate the pain…because if nothing changes long term, the pain. And the thing about pain is that even when don’t pay attention to it, it will continue to grow and fester and when you look at it again, it will hurt even more. And there is, even more, heaviness and scar tissue.

So push through, stay committed to yourself. You deserve to be at your best. And the world needs you at your best too.

Love and Peace,


P.S. Did you know my 4 Part Wellness workshop starts this is the week! You have got to be there!  It is a completely free and completely virtual party where I teach you about wellness, weight loss and nutrition, mindset, change and the fine art of BEING and FEELING AWESOME! It’s completely virtual, where I send you 4 life shifting videos directly to your email over the next couple weeks! So if you have the internet, you can attend Sign up –> HERE <—

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