Dare to Dare

You can all the skills, smarts, talents, money, training…but if you aren’t putting yourself out there, all the other stuff doesn’t matter.

The willingness to risk, be uncomfortable face those little fear gremlins in your head is what allows us to do great things in our lives, break through barriers and find a new bolder way of living life.


Being daring to dare and to…get out on the dance floor, call that person, send your manuscript out, begin writing your manuscript, go to the gym, try a new recipe, print out those photographs you took, get the business cards, ask a new friend out to dinner, submit your profile to that dating sight, going shopping for new clothes, having coffee by yourself…

Daring comes in many shapes and sizes.

What does daring look like for you? What is your next Daring move?




P.S. Listen on Sound Cloud ???? ????

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