Design Your Life! A How-To Guide to Your Dreams

Design your life

That’s right, I said it.  A How-to guide to Your dreams!

What are you thinking right now?  “Yay, right!” or “Yes, yes, tell me more!”

Either way, I want you to keep reading, because “something” made you click on this post, so let’s find out what that “something” is!

Here is a really, really, super important Question.

What do you want?

This is a really hard question to answer.  And some of us, can’t really bring ourselves to really ponder  our wants and desires in life because we live with the idea that wanting something “more” is selfish, unattainable or untimely.

So we end up living with a throbbing, unsettled discontent.  And if left unexplored, this feeling grows and sometimes takes on other personas,  like bitterness, anger, frustration, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, and achieving. Which feels awful.  And to “handle” these feelings, we can start compensating for this by over-eating/drinking/medicating/shopping/perfecting.   But because you are not addressing the real need, this will continue and you will get deeper and deeper into the…blah.

Ya, know what I mean?  Are you tired of it?

Yes? Or did I hear a’ HELL YES!

Good, now we can start.

NOW is your chance.

You want more?!  Take it!

Design your life.  It is absolutely yours to create!

Next Question: How?

Well, I’m not sure, this is the journey you must be brave enough embark upon. You don’t have to have all the answers now, all you have to do is start.

This is how it started for me.

Ok, I think I need to back up a bit…here is the back story.   I became a dietitian out college and started working in a hospital as a clinical dietitian (what I thought I wanted) but pretty soon (really, really soon) after I started I knew, this wasn’t for me. Then after spending 5 years just “doing what I-was-suppose-to-do”  my husband and I decided to take the financial plunge and  after our second child was born, I became a full-time stay-at-home mom. I loved being home with them, I felt a new sense of freedom and peace, that I had never felt before.  This experience was great, and it was a HUGE gift and a luxury  and I will always be so unbelievably  grateful for it!  But after a while, I started feeling that disquiet and discontent started again, and  brought me a huge amount of guilt because this is what I wanted, right?  This is what so many women and men would love the oppurtunity to do.  I thought, “This is what you wanted, so enjoy it!”. But I knew deep down I was not content  and I wanted more of “something”.  So I kept my eye and heart open for the answer.

The answer came from within myself.  But I needed a key to unlock it.  My key, was a few encounters with a beautiful, smart and successful woman who I admired (from the first moment I met her), who through her encouragement and actions said  to me “You are awesome, I believe in you!” Well, actually,  she didn’t say those exact words, but that is what my heart heard.

You are awesome, I believe in you!

This gave me the courage to say to myself, ” You know what, that is true!  You are awesome, I believe in you too!” This cracked open the shell I had around my heart and my dreams and allowed me to stand up and to start flapping my wings so I could prepare to fly.

This cracked open the shell I had around my heart and my dreams.  And allowed me to stand up and to start flapping my wings so I could prepare to fly.

And so I started.

First,  I started with what I already knew.  I knew I still had a love for health and Nutrition, so I put myself out there and hung out my virtual shingle.  And things are to happen,  I was blessed with a few successes and some new clients. I kept growing, searching, trying, failing, and trying-again.

And you know what my friend, that is what brought me to coaching and to you.  I knew that I was meant for “something”, although I was unclear as to what that “Something” was, I just starting following my heart and things started to become  more clear.  And I gave myself permission to make changes along the way so if  I wasn’t feelin it anymore, I would take a moment pause and look inside and say “Ok, I may have wanted that before, but this is the direction I need to go in now.”

And once I followed my heart and let me internal compass guide me, my life began to transform. I know I am in the right path.  And I know this because opportunities have just started to appear and the love in my heart is just expanding.

 When you are on the right track and  in your flow, obstacles start to ease up and  growth become more effortless.

 And you can push on, and rise up,  and fly! You can be become a Joyful Warrior

At the beginning of this article I said I would give you the How to Guide to your dreams, so here it is


Listen to that little voice of  want and need.  Allow it to be the sherpa the journey to your dreams. You got this.


Just start.  Somewhere.  You will change your mind, you may change direction.  Just start. Today.

You got this

Keep the Faith.

Have faith in yourself and continuously take action, one step at a time.  It will not be easy, in fact you will often wonder  “Now, why am I doing this?”  But your heart knows.

You got this.

Work hard.

It’s true that nothing in life come easy, it all takes work.  But when you are on the right path, the work will fill you with more goodness than it does pain. You will want what you want, more than you don’t want the sacrifice.  For me, I started my getting up at 4:30am,  working until the kids woke up, then I would work at nap time and sneak in “stuff” while they played around the house and (yes) watched more TV than they normally would.  I had to sacrifice sleep, play-dates, free time and a clean house to achieve this dream.  And for me, so far the reward has exceeded my wildest dreams!!

You got this.

Gather friends.

Have people around you who believe in you, encourage you, bring you strength. Allow yourself to be vulnerable to the people in your life who can strengthen you. When my shell cracked open and I was a new delicate hatchling, the universe and god, allowed me to see the champion warriors in my life.  My husband has always been my biggest champion, but I couldn’t hear it or feel it until I was open to it. And when I became open, I was able to absorb his love, strength and  support. Another example of this was a  new friend who came into my life.  She was my champion from moment one, she has an energy and a  strength of love and generosity that was (is) exactly the mix that I needed.  But this step has another side of the coin.  Be create room for your friends,  step away from the naysayers and energy suckers in your life.  In some cases this stepping away will be easy, in other case it will be harder.  The simple fact is, in life there are just some people we are stuck with and  that is ok (you will be able to see their purpose in your life soon enough), but you can still distance yourself from them and most importantly stop giving them power!

You got this


Now fly my friend! You are awesome, I believe in you!  Become the Joyful Warrior you are, the one you feel inside.

You got this.

Design your Life.  It is Yours to Create!

Lots of Love,


P.s. Do you need a champion or many champions in your life? Yes? Then Check out my facebook group of Joyful Warriors, this is a fabulous tribe of  warriors who work to help each other fly on the daily!

P.s.s  Work with me!  DO really want to start discovering your path and passion?  Then work with me, this is what I do for myself and for others.  Nothing brings me greater joy and purpose than to help you reach for your dreams and realize your full potential!  Let’s get started, embark on your beautiful journey right now!

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