
Let’s talk Detox for a second.

There is a lot of talk about detoxing, cleansing and clean eating on the web these days and so I wanted to weigh in tell you my thoughts about detoxifying….

Main take aways

  • Our bodies are miraculous and healthy is our default, so if you just get rid of the “bad” stuff and add in the “good” stuff your body will do all the heavy lifting detox work
  • The “good” stuff – REAL foods! Fruits, Veggies, whole grains, natural meats, and plenty of healthy fats
  • The “bad” stuff processed foods (cookies, crackers, pasta, cookies)
  • The big bad stuff – SUGAR.  Cut it out completely
  • Drink lots of water!

A detox “diet” is really a way to help your body Reset itself and get back to its natural healthy state…and would you know it, I know a really great detox, clean eating Reset program  —>  HERE    ????  hehe, the  30 Day Reset is starting in just a couple weeks and it’s pretty great (IMHO).  So if you need your own little wellness transformation, the 30 Day Reset is a great place to begin your personal revolution!



P.S. In this video I talk a lot about Detoxifying your body, so I wanna take a sec. to talk about detoxifying your mind. We can have the perfect, clean, beautifully organic balanced diet, but if our thoughts and beliefs aren’t aligned with our soul and toxic to our spirit was will still feel empty and out of balance.  So along with detoxifying your body, you should also work on detoxifying your mind, so I have created these guided meditations, HERE and HERE  to help you detox your mind, feel happy, find peace and be soul-connected.


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