Do the work

I love the what I do.

There are so many things I love about the work I do in the world, but one my favorite things is that I get to connect on a deep soul level and have powerful, meaningful life-changing conversations every day.  And when I say life changing, I am not just talking about the shifts my clients have, I am talking about my life changing for me too.  I learn so much from the women I work and often during the conversations my clients will leave me with transformative wisdom that sticks with me. (This back and forth strengthening is the power of empowered connection and conversation)

Last week, one of my clients who has been working really hard and digging deep to move through a particularly difficult time in her life says “You know, I used to think that I was broken and that is why I have to fix all this stuff in my life and go to therapy and work with you.  But now I see that everyone has their own shit and is struggling with something and that I am not broken, I am just willing to do the work.” 

And I was like   Hell YAAAAS, girl!

Because the truth is, we all have our stuff and  our hang-ups, and baggage, and fears, and Booga-boos in our lives.


But the difference is that some of us walk through life pretending our “stuff” isn’t there or thinking that it’s other people’s stuff.  And there are some of us who stop pretending and look at our “stuff” in it’s beady little eye and start working to change it.

We start doing the work.

So just because you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, doesn’t mean you are broken, it just means you are sick of being stuck, being frustrated, feeling sad, being anxious or whatever it is that is keeping you small… you are finally ready and willing to start doing the work.

You are ready to go about what ever it takes and do the hard work to start creating and living the life you want.

Now,  what are you?  Are you sick and tired?  to stop swimming in your own “broken-not enoughness” and start doing the work?

Are you ready to stop pretending and to stop swimming in your own “broken-not enoughness” and start doing the work?


Alright then.

Good.  The world is ready too.


Fiercely and with Love,



P.S. If you are ready, I am here to help. Come find me.

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