Episode #14 – Doing vs Being in Your Health Journey with Stephanie Riles RDN, LD, NASM, CPT

What is the difference between doing and being during your health journey?   

Most of the time, when we are working hard to transform our health, we mostly focus on what we are DOING.  How we can change how we eat, how often we exercise, our supplements… etc. And this can be exhausting because it’s often not coupled with changing how we are BEING in the relationship we have with our food, our movement and most importantly, our self! 

My friend and fellow registered Dietitian, Stephanie Riles, came on my show this week to talk about exactly this! She is such a beautiful woman with such a beautiful and powerful approach to health, weight loss, and fitness!

I know you will love her and this episode, and don’t forget to go find her over on

Instagram at Stephanie_Riles_Coach
Join her Contact info Facebook Group: 
Fit Figure Formula: A Perfectionists Guide to a Fit Mind and Body

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