Find your Spark: How To Change your Life.

Change starts with a Spark

I had planned to publish something else today; then I came across this Youtube video.  It spoke to me, made me cry and  I knew I had to share it!

This is an incredible story of determination, perseverance, life change, and most importantly the spark of belief.

The video is about 5 minutes but is worth every second!

Believing in yourself is so powerful.  Really, it’s superpower! It makes the impossible, possible. It is the place of magic and miracles.

Change is hard,  really hard.  Therefore,  you have to want it, I mean really want! You must have the burning desire to want more, different, better.  You have to have the burning desire to create a more full and beautiful life, to reach for your fullest potential.

It’s uncomfortable.  But it is worth it.

Because Magic only happens outside of comfortable.

But that first step out of your comfort zone  is the hardest one, because it’s scary. It’s scary because creating magic, requires creating a fire in your life.  Because fire can be scary when we haven’t seen it before.  This fire is a burning desire for a different life, to create a new story, to break free and burn off of the limitations and the cage we are trapped in.

But where does a fire begin?  Fire begins with a single spark.

And that spark is belief.

Belief in yourself.  Belief that the outcome is worth the sacrifices.  Belief that you can do it.  Belief  that you are worth it.

This spark of belief must come from within, but to catch this spark and turn it into a fire, you must also have fuel, kindling, and support.

Fuel and Kindling come in the form of small steps and creating momentum.

When you want to create your fire, you can’t focus on having (or not having)  the fire already, you must focus on the small steps you need to take to turn that spark into your roaring fire.

First, allow that spark to catch on some twigs, then constantly fan it and stoke it, continue to add wood to it. Sometimes that wood is heavy to carry, but you got this and you  soon  you will have a fire before you know it.  As the spark catches on the fuel,  you have momentum and your fire will grow and become stronger.

Sometimes you will find it hard to maintain and grow your fire, because of limited wood, rain or inattention.  But maintain the faith in your spark.  Because as long as you have that spark, you can always build the fire again.

It will be hard work to start this fire, stoke it, maintain it and grow it, especially alone. In fact,  the only impossibility in this whole thing, is thinking we can do it alone.     We all need someone to be there with us, to help us find wood, carry the heavy stuff, stoke the embers and feed the flames. They also help us enjoy our fires and share the warmth.  This support person or persons (your fellow fire stokers will come when you are open to receiving them), will also be vigilant about helping you maintain your fire when you are not or can not be vigilant.  And, be a fire stoker for others, you will learn valuable skills and you will benefit the warmth and light from their fire too.

But beware of those people who want to toss water on your fire.  It’s not that they are bad, it’s just that fire can be scary, and they are afraid of the light and the heat. Do you remember when you were scared of the fire too? But don’t automatically banish them from your fire light, just make them stand back a little, create some distance between your fire and them. Because the longer they stand in the warmth and light of your fire, they will soon realize that is really not scary at all, but that it is wonderful.  They may even turn into fire starters themselves.

But do keep an eye on them.  If they keep trying douse your fire, you may have to  ask them to leave. Or they may turn and run, either way it may be hard, but let them leave, it’s better that way.

You have a fire to maintain and grow and an important life to live.

So, I ask you, my friends, what do you want?

Whatever that thing is, it is your to create.  All you need is the spark of belief to create the .

Believe,  your magical fire spark will appear.

As Mr. Arthur Boorman says in his video, ” Never underestimate what you can accomplish when you believe in yourself.”

It’s true. And I believe in you too.

Fly my friends.  Believe in your sparks, start those fires and then share the light and warmth, so others can start their own fires too.

The life of your dreams starts with a burning desire to create it,  and have an unceasing belief in yourself.


Lots of love,

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P.S. Let me know if you need some support creating your dreams and building and maintain your fire.  I am here for you! Contact me to schedule a fire starting discovery session today!

P.S.S. Also,  consider  joining an awesome group of Fire Starters and Stoker over on my Joyful Warriors Facebook page! Ask to join, then jump in introduce yourself and share the warmth.


Now I want to hear from you!  What are your fire starting stories!

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