Our Focus Becomes Our Reality

Our Focus BEcomes our Reality

What we focus on creates our reality.

If you want to change your reality, meaning your current circumstance (body, job, time, life) , then you must change what you focus on.

For most people, there is something in their lives that they want to change, improve or expand. And where they focus their thoughts and energy, effects every part of that growth process and really determines their success.

Transformation and growth happens in stages. Each stage is part of the process and develops new ways of thinking and behaving that will either create new habits to replace old habits that supports our desired change or reinforces the current habits and patterns that will support staying the same.

Awareness, is the first step in the change process . Awareness is when we identify that there is something in our life that needs changing. Having awareness gives us the opportunity to improve. Before we are aware of the problem, we often are uncomfortable, but we don’t know why. When we become aware of the need for change, we start looking for solutions to fix our problem and ease our suffering.

And this is where many of us get stuck, because we focus on the wrong things. We become overly fixated on the problem and the suffering, instead of focusing on the solution and desired outcome.

When our minds stay focused on the problem we are experiencing, we get stuck.

Picture this, what if you are walking down a path and you come upon a big boulder blocking the way. You stop and stare at the boulder, knowing that you have to keep moving down the path to get to your destination (awareness). So you just stand there saying to yourself..

Shoot, look at that boulder, it is totally in my way, It’s just sitting there!”

“That boulder is just so big and if it wasn’t in my way, I would be so much further down this path!”

“Who left this boulder here on the path?!”

“ Why, do I always have boulders in my way?”

“The boulder is just so big and I am so small, this is hopeless”

You are stuck.

Or you can shift your focus, away from the boulder problem and on to the solution. You think, “There is a boulder in my path, and how can I keep walking? Well,  I can climb it, push it out of the way, or I can walk around it. Let me see which one works…I can’t just be stuck here, I have places to be!” And you do, you figure it out, and you carry on down the path, now knowing what to do when you encounter another boulder on your path.

I know this is a silly example, but this is the way we sometimes address the problems in our life. We focus too much on the problem and the suffering and not enough of the solution and desired outcome.

When we focus on the result we want and what we have control over, we are able to create a workable plan and strategy to achieve the outcome we want. On the other hand, when we get stuck thinking about the problem,  our brain works on what you are thinking about and we can’t create a feasible plan and work-around to achieve our goals.

Normally, when we encounter a problem are able to start problem solving, but we still remain too focused on what is getting in our way, instead of the solution. And not only that, but we can even start creating new problems that are related to the original problem

“I could try to push the boulder out of the way, but I have an arm load of stuff and I can’t find a clean place to lay it”

“What if I walk around the boulder and there are snakes on the other side?”

“I better not do that I could hurt my shoulder.”

Another pit fall is that we also focus on potential challenges related to the problem that we have no control over

“If only I would have taken a different path, I wouldn’t have to solve this boulder problem”. (past can be changed)

“This makes me angry because my brother never has to worry about boulder’s in his path!” 

“I will be talking to someone about this boulder issue!” 

These thoughts simply are not helpful or productive, so don’t waste your thought power or energy on them. They only serve to stop or slow your movement on your journey.

But I have good news! We are totally in control of our thoughts and thinking patterns, therefore, we can change them.

When we are we conscious of our limiting thoughts and focus, we can shift our thinking, to focus on what we want and what is within our control.

The way we think is a habit. And unproductive habits can be identified and changed.

If you desire change or growth, in yourself and in your life, but your feel stuck or are finding the change process hard , take a look thoughts and examine what you are focusing on.

Are you focusing too much on the problem or the solution.

“I’m so fat”

“I want to start writing/drawing/dancing, but have no time write

 “I never have enough money”

“I hate my job”

These are all fixable problems. But only when you are able to reframe your thoughts to solution oriented, forward moving based thinking.

Here are some focus shifts for those same problem:

“I want to lose weight, will workout today, the effort is worth it to me, I am worth the effort.

“ I want to write a book. How can I change my priorities to make time to write. There is enough time

“I am thankful I have enough money to pay my mortgage, but I want more financial freedom, how can I do that? What opportunity to make more money can I create for myself” (opportunities are everywhere)

My perfect job is waiting for me. I will start by improving my resume, updating my LinkedIn profile and reaching out to my contacts. In the meantime I will do my best in my current position, so I can get the most out of it until my next opportunity comes my way”

(I have underlined the limiting belief changing “affirmations” that are important to add when reframing your focus. some info about this here, but More about this later)

Small Changes Create Big results

Small shifts, create big results. Always!

[bctt tweet=”Small shifts, create big results.”]

So whenever you are making shifts and changes in your life, ask yourself a few questions

What do I want?

What should I focus on, in order to create opportunity and give you confidence?


Your wants and dreams are worthwhile, important and within your reach!

And these dreams have been given to you, for a purpose.  The purpose is so you can have a impact on the world in a really special and important way.  So you owe it to yourself and all of us to create them.

I know you can do it, just choose the right focus and take action.

I believe in you!

With love and joy,



P.S. If you are ready to start focusing on what you want and elevating your life, then you would LOVE my new Empowered Warrior Academy! It’s an incredible 6-week program, where you learn to refocus your thoughts, reignite your passion for life, start loving yourself and your body more and finally start living a life you LOVE! 

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