Focus on what you want.


Our focus is all wrong.

When there is something we want to change.  We obsess about it. We hate on it and we focus and give energy to what we don’t want.   And what we focus our energy on grows.

And the thing about energy is that where we focus our energy on grows.

It’s like having a garden. In any garden, there are flowers and weeds and what we water (our energy) grows.  So when we focus only on our short-comings and flaws, we water them and neglect the flowers…and we wonder why our poor flowers keeping dying…

It is important to be aware of what we need to change, but we need to put on focus loving and cherishing ourselves, and then taking action to support that feeling.

Don’t hate your (perceived) flaws, love your wholeness.  And do that for 6 weeks and see what changes.  It will be Magic ✨


With Love,

Sally Twellman

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