Freedom of Acceptance and Fighting like Hell



“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”― Lao Tzu

The way out of suffering, is to accept things as they are. If we fight it or fall victim to it, we are not making changes in the our lives or the world, we are going causing suffering to ourselves and those around us.

But just because we accept things the way they are, doesn’t mean they we can’t or shouldn’t try to effect change. Acceptance doesn’t equal victimization, it is a simple acknowledgment that things are the way they are, they are fact…and you can still fight like hell to change these facts.

These things can include but are not limited too.

Accepting (and loving) your body as it is now, 50lbs overweight…and then Fighting like Hell to change it

Accepting that your partner is a jerk sometimes…but then speaking up and fighting like hell to help him/the relationship change or decided you are both better living separately

Accepting that you lost your job…but then fighting like hell to find one that is better suited for you anyway.

Accepting that your perfect boyfriend ended the relationship…but decided that it’s his loss and fighting like Hell to love yourself harder and better, knowing the right partner will come along when the time is right

Accepting that you have an addiction to Food/Eating/Sugar/Alcohol/Drugs, loving yourself where you are now…and fighting like hell to stay sober and uncovering what you were numbing in the first place

Accepting the Political situation is not what you want it to be (put mildly)…but you fight like hell to change the status quo and stand up for what you believe in…empowering yourself, your values and your world to effect the change you want to see.

And that is my plan, I will fight like hell, to effect change in my world.

“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Gandhi

But don’t forget to go into this change space with eyes-wide-open, change is not always welcome or appreciated by those around you. However standing up for yourself and what you believe in is always a worthy cause and worth the fight. You to be stronger, better and more brilliant.

No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.”― Alice Walker

Be passionate and fulfill your purpose my friends. I believe in you!

One more quote from the conversation: There is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings – ~Arthur Rubinstein



P.S. If you want to be more Empowered in Your life, join my Empowered Warrior Academy…it’s sooooo worth it!


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