Fullness and the Art of Filling up

Why do we do what we do?

Why do we get up at the crack of dawn to run? Or work into the night on that exciting project?  Or Volunteer at your kid’s school? Why do we work hard to lose weight or take that new job or get that bigger house, or join that organization? Why…


For fulfillment.  To feel fulfilled, happy, content, peaceful, calm, connected…being full and “filling your cup” is the reason why we do everything we do. And that’s a beautiful thing.

And we do lots of things to fill our cup and feel satisfied, so why, even with all this “filling” so we still feel unsatified and ‘thristy’?

Why if you are constantly striving and working to fill your cup, why does your cup not ‘runneth over’ and that hot dry thirst is still there?

I have a couple thought…

Maybe you are filling your cup with the wrong stuff? Maybe You are filling it with what you think will quench your thrist, but it is actually salty and brackish water

Or maybe it’s your cup, maybe your cup is cracked and leaking?

Let’s talk about your cup.

When you were given your cup, it was perfect. But maybe it got dropped a couple time or maybe someone even poked a hole a hole into it.  Either way, all the life-giving water you keep pouring, keeps leaking out.

Are you Following?

Ok, let’s say you go on that run, which is pure life-giving water, but as you are running that ‘water’ gets polluted because your mind is polluted with thoughts of disgust for your body and your state, instead of focusing on the beauty of your moving magical body, running through space.

Or maybe you fill your cup by caring for your children, but martyrdom-like giving is exhausting and your children are the only ones who get to drink from your cup. Your cup will slowly crumble over time because it’s being misused.

Or You take that job that makes a lot of money and buys you all that stuff you want.  It’s what you have been working towards, right?  The money,  the prestige, the fame, the likes, the stature…when that happens then you will know you have made it! Your cup will be filled to overflowing, right? No, you’re still thirsty, in fact, because of the fast pace of this lifestyle, you are thirstier than ever.

What’s the fix?

First, take a good hard look at your cup. Fix any cracks, plug any holes, that’s step number one.

Then take a look at what you are filling your cup with,  does it taste of obligation, approval-seeking, deficiency or any other bitter taste? Then pour it out and find another well to dip from!

If you are unsure of where to find a new well, ask your spirit and reconnect your actions with the actions requested by your soul.

Your soul knows, be soul connected.

And then begin refilling your cup.  You may still feel thirsty at times, and when that happens, be silent, reconnect and your cup will soon be full and overflowing.

You will be filled up, fulfilled, full.

And the best part…when your cup is full, you can share the goods.

Your fullness is where the Love is.


Do it for the Love.



P.S. Do you need help support finding and filling the cracks and finding your new well…Let’s chat! I am in the business of helping you find your way back to your soul and life-giving water. Contact me HERE or send me an email [email protected].  I can’t wait to hear from you!

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