Achieving your Health and Weight loss Goals (Part 2)

Hello Again, I’m back for the second installment of my 3 part Getting your health goals! If you didn’t get a chance to, check out Part 1 HERE.


Part 2…

  • Diet is King  Queen!

I hate to say this, I really do…but you can work out like a fiend every day but if aren’t also making dietary changes, you won’t see the changes you want to see. That scale, those pants, or blood sugar monitor, will still keep giving you the hairy eyeball! (EEK!, sorry) I know how hard it is to make good food choices because we are surrounded by opportunities to eat high calorie, low nutrient foods that press all the feel-good buttons.  And let’s be real, that bowl of broccoli florets just doesn’t have the same appeal as that bowl of chocolate ice cream or bag of chips, but without making that swap you will never see the results you are looking for. Deciding which “diet” is right for you is hard and overwhelming, (HERE, HERE, and HERE are some ideas), but at the beginning of your journey, it is the small things you change that actually make the biggest difference.  First, just think of ONE  thing you can change and do that for 2 weeks.  Then you can build on your success from there. What is one thing that is a pitfall for you? Snacking after work? Drinking Soda? Grazing after dinner? Ok, now what can you do to change that one habit for 2 weeks?  How will you feel when you have done that? (You can do it!)

  • Cut out the Sugar

Sugar is the devil! Ha! not really, no food is the devil…but when you eat sugar and other sweetened things just makes it really really hard to calm your cravings and stimulates your compulsion to overeat. Read more about the biology of this HERE. Eating sugar and sweetened things also increases how often and how much insulin you release which actually makes it harder to lose weight over time. So if you have a big sweet tooth try cutting it out gradually (especially in the morning) and over time you will notice that you don’t crave it as much and you will also feel more in control of your eating overall!

  • Find a Friend (or Two)

Life is a team sport. This is especially true when making diet and lifestyle changes because it’s hard (and moral support is needed 😆😆😆)! Finding a friend or two who has the same goals as you is a game-changer, they help you stay accountable, help to motivate you, and make it way more fun! And this will help you be and feel successful!  I know this is extra hard right now because it’s harder(and maybe less safe) access to a traditional gym and it’s harder to spend time with people, but try to get creative!  Here are some ideas, if you have a fitness tracking watch, challenge a friend for a day, ask a neighbor to train for a 5K with you (and schedule your outdoor training sessions), start a text chain with friends where you can send out your share your achievement and seek support.  Don’t know of anyone with your same goals? Just ask around, you might be surprised who takes you up the offer to be your accountability buddy.  Remember, friends, make everything more fun!

Keep up the good work, I believe in you!  If you need a little more support on your health and weight loss journey, feel free to reach out! 

BE well, 


P.S.  The third and final part of this series comes out next week, see you then!



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