Gratitude is the seed of all joy.

Gratitude is the seed of all joy. Always.


Joy and happiness exist only in the present.   So if we are constantly focused on what we don’t have, what we need to change, and what you want to create in the future, you will always feel like your life is falling short.  Without seeing and loving what exists in our lives now, you will be lacking. But if you love what is, you will have enough and feel full.


In this world of more, consumption and striving, loving what is and gratitude can be hard. And lack is a way of life. But gratitude is a choice and we can choose to appreciate all the wonders that exist in our lives. Even when life is throwing us curve balls, we can appreciate that we have a mit. And this practice will set us free.


What are you grateful for today?

What are you grateful for today?

With Love,


P.S.  To really incorporate gratitude and abundance in your life, you need to make gratitude a daily practice. A daily gratitude practice doesn’t have to be complicated, it’s simple as listing 5 things you are grateful for in your day. I challenge you to try it every day, for 5 days.  Then I would love to hear what it shifts in you.

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