I am thankful…

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

It’s Thanksgiving week for those of us here in the United States!  I love this holiday because it is full of family, friends, fun and food! Every year, my family and I have fun and rowdy celebration with most of our favorite friends and our family. It’s a wonderful tradition.

What are your Thanksgiving traditions?

And my favorite part of the day is when we gather around the table and tell what we are Thankful for…I have so many blessings in my life, but here are a few that come to mind right now.

  1. Ibuprofen and a heating pad – My back has been all jacked up since last weekend and I have been caring for myself with a steady regimen of stretching, gentle yoga, rest, ibuprofen and a heating pad. So it’s true there will be no Turkey Trot for me on Thanksgiving Day, but at least I will be able to move without being in pain.  #backpainistheworst
  2. My voice and my ability to use it. When I first started my business 4+ years ago, I just wanted to share a few recipes and give some health tips. But I love that my little experiment of “seeing what I can do” turned into a real business and a platform where I can express my creativity, share what is important to me, inspire and help others transform (back into) themselves (or that is the goal any ways1). It’s a joy and a great privilege, and I don’t take it lightly.  And speaking of privilege, I can see my immense privileged white western women. And as a white western woman, I see how IMPORTANT it is to use my voice and speak up because there are so many women around the world who can’t…and I need to always remember that,  even on the days I am tired of the hustle and wanting to curl up binge watch Netflix in stead of going to work, but I don’t because I was given this privilege for a reason and I owe it to all the women, past and present who don’t have the privilege to stand-up and use their voice, so I have to use mine until we all can…
  3. My (amazing) kids – Since the moment I have become a mother I have felt the challenge to become a better person and evolve to the next and best version of myself. …if not for my sake then for the sake of them, because they are the makers of the new world.  They remind me to be mindful and thoughtful about my words and actions everyday…because they are always watching!  I love them so much and am inspired by their spirits and their goodness every day.
  4. Andy, my husband – He is my constant supporter and he sometimes understands me better than I understand myself. I am firey, emotional and full of passion, so I know I can be a challenge sometimes, but we work to make each other better every day.  And he loves me unconditionally even when I have trouble loving myself unconditionally.
  5. My girlfriends – Both the old-forever friends and the newly-called into my life friends…you fill me, keep me grounded and inspire me everyday. It’s easy in this season of our lives for relationships to get swept away in the tidal wave of life, so I am thankful for those who make time to spend together and love and support me and my life on the daily! These ladies are my soul sisters
  6. Spirit and Awakening. and my freedom to awaken (See – privilege in #2). My journey with my spirituality has been a windy one, but over the last year or so, I have settled into a deep and resonate connection with the divine.  My belief is that the divine essence that is the essence of you, me, stars, trees and all creation and experience itself. It is a warm and cozy place to be knowing that Goddess/God/The Universe and all of her helpers have my back and want the very best for me and you and our continual evolution.
  7. YOU!  Thank you for being in my world. You energy, good will and love inspire and motivate me daily.  I know there is a lot of noise out there on the interwebs, so I appreciate you being in my world and me being your world. It’s a beautiful union!

What are you thankful for? What is on your blessing list this year?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankfully Yours,


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