I’ll have the fries, please.

This weekend I went to PTA (parent teacher association) conference, in Houston, TX. I am on the PTA board of my kid’s school as the one of the Vice President of Programs, I make sure the special programs at the school go off without a hitch and make people feel supported and welcomed at the meetings and PTA event.  It’s really the perfect job for me having fun and talking to people!

I went to the conference with 4 other awesome women and we ate out while we were there, and this would have made me a little uncomfortable in the past, because like most women, I was always “watching what I ate”, focused on my weight and I used to worrying that people were judging what I ordered because I am a dietitian and I tell people what to eat for a living. (thats really not what I do, but that’s what people think)

But I was happy to report “You really should get a salad” only briefly flashed through mind and there no justifying my “non-perfect” meal choices, with “Oh I haven’t had fires in years!” “I will treat myself” “I’m on vacation!” “Well, I haven’t eaten all day, so I am going to have the mac and cheese.”.  I just ordered what I wanted. Besides these and other phrases, are frequently things we say to ourselves and to each other about the food choices we make to defect perceived judgment from others and internal mean-girl criticism about our choices.

So instead of ordering the food I thought I should have, I ordered and ate food that I wanted, sometimes, that was a salad, sometimes that was a side of mac and cheese or fires, and I enjoyed and was satisfied with each of my meals and didn’t feel the need to get ice cream after or grab a snack in my room or get a sugary coffee at Starbucks. It was easy, balanced and I felt satisfied.

And ease, balance and satisfaction are keys to a to a long healthy, full life.

Normally, my eating is very “clean” and healthy and filled with lots of vegetables, beans, grains, potatoes, natural meat and cheese, fruit, nuts…ect. I eat over 90% of my meals from home for a couple reasons, but mostly because it makes me feel good, because I can more easily eat wholesome food, which keeps my body and mind feeling healthy and strong. And that feels satisfying.

Satisfaction is the secret to healthy eating and living, weight loss, and getting control over bingeing and over eating.

I tell my clients all the time to “eat what you want”, and they always say, “yay, but what I want is fries, and ice cream and cake, and chips”  And this is true for them, many of them are having big cravings and feeling a little (or a lot) out of control around food.

But cravings are not the truth of what our bodies want they are just a byproduct of imbalances in our bodies and our lives.  They from regularly having these highly processed, artificially flavored/seasoned foods (physical), an under satisfying life (emotional), or living unconsciously (physical and emotional).  So these cravings are really what our bodies are asking for, it’s real that were used to them or desire them for some reason besides our bodies really “want them”.  Our bodies want to feel good and be healthy, because healthy is our default, and when every thing is working right (physically and emotionally) you crave whole foods most of the time.

But this doesn’t happen over night, you don’t go from eating a diet low in whole foods like fruits, vegetable, beans… and high in sugars and processed foods like crackers, chips, and boxed meals, (the typical western diet), to being satisfied with roasted vegetables and quinoa for lunch.  It’s a process of awareness, couscous choices and a lot of self care and learning to be unconditionally loving to yourself.

And this also begins with getting your physical cravings under control,  you have to detox your body, and give your body what it needs and you will Reset your cravings, energy and body systems.

It’s magic, biological magic.

And I want this for you! I want you to feel healthy, feel good in your skin and live in a body you love, that is why created the 30day Reset.

The 30 Day Reset is a 30 detox and reset for your body and mind, to stop your cravings and help your body started working for you to heal, lose weight and feel energetic and alive! The 30 Day Reset also helps you reset your mindset and engage your intuition around food, eating and movement.

The 30 Day Reset is an amazing, life shifting program that helps you Reset your Body and your Life! It’s  a Sprint to a new you…well actually,  it’s really a sprint back to the true, real, happy healthy you!

 The 30 Day Reset only opens twice a year, and the next session starts September 1, 2017! Registration opens in a couple, weeks, but if you are interested in finding out more, sign up for the interest list HERE.

I am changing things up a little bit this time with 3 participation options…more about this to come later,  but for now you can find out more HERE.

I am super excited about the next round starting and I hope to see you there, it will be stupendously awesome…I promise!

And in the meantime, I wish you ease balance and satisfaction in your eating and your life!



P.S. In case you missed them…I are the middle of a 4 part Video series here are Videos 1, 2, and 3, and the 4th comes out later this week.

P.P.S.  And if you are looking for new friendships with like-minded women focused on unleveling their lives, then you have to join my awesome babeolicious Facebook group The Vibrant Warriors

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