I’m now taking Applications! 2017 Life + Wellbeing Strategy Sessions


Today is black friday…the biggest shopping/spending day of the year! In fact, I read that in 2015, the total spending was 53+ Billion dollars that day…img_5294

That’s right, you read that right, that was billion with a B

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy shopping and getting new sparkly stuff (enter super-fly gold boots and I recently purchased and am head over heels in love with!) but Dang that’s a lot of hard-earned cash spent on STUFF.


I think it is really important to invest in some key pieces that help you feel super-fly, but the overload of purchasing and consuming doesn’t actually help you create a life you love.

So how about you invest in something different this year, instead of investing in stuff that is just going to end up cluttering your life, Invest in You! 

Invest in making 2017 AH-MAZ-ING!

Did you know that only 20% of New Years Resolutions succeed?  (Makes my heart hurt, just writing that????)

Why? —–> lack of planning or not planning the right way.

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Well, I don’t want that for you, I want you to be different,  one of the 20% who succeed, not the 80% who don’t.

And the thing about success, it that it multiples…when you create a do-able, smart strategy to meet your goals, you start seeing results.  And when you start seeing results, you want to keep going, and when you keep going, you see big results! And those results make  you feel AWESOME!

And I want you to feel awesome!

Seeing results allows you to continue creating bigger and better things…and becoming the best version of YOU!



So I decided to try something new this year to help you create smart do-able strategy to help you meet your goals and start seeing results you want in 2017…to make 2017 your best year yet!

I have created 90 minute Life + Wellbeing Strategy sessions, where we meet (virtually) and get down to the business of creating solid, simple, step-by-step strategy that fits into your life and on your terms, so you can (finally!) achieve your goals!

Here is how it will work

  • Pre – Strategy Session – You give me a breakdown of you, your life, current struggles, and goals on a comprehensive intake form, so I can begin to understand you and your goals.  So we can make the most of our time together.
  • 1st 30 minutes(ish): Further detailed understanding you, your life and your goals (90 day goal)
  • 2nd 30 minutes(ish): Discuss strategy to meet your goals.
  • 3rd 30minutes(ish): Once we have settled on the right strategy for you and your life, we will develop a step by step plan, so you can get you start working towards and achieving your goals!

*A Full 90 minutes of getting down to the business of making your life, health, body awesome in 2017!

Whatever you want…

  • Loss weight
  • Becoming Fit and Lean
  • Improve your Health (disease management)
  • Stop Dieting and Start Loving your body!
  • Have More fun
  • Be more Productive —->find more time in your life
  • Save or Make more Money
  • Start Your New Career or Side Hustle

…you can totally Achieve yours with the right strategy and I will help you create that!


These Life + Wellbeing Strategy Sessions are perfect for you if…

  • You are a Big Dreamer, who needs help deciding and taking the 1st (2nd, 3rd) steps
  • You want to finally change their bodies…stop dieting and start living!
  • You want to Lose weight, get healthy and feel amazing
  • You want to feel and be more confident and empowered to start taking action (consistently)
  • You are ready for REAL change in their Life
  • You are too busy and want more time in your life…(I will help you organize and prioritize)
  • You doubt you can create lasting change in your life…I will help you see what is possible!
  • You need a little extra support, accountability and validation to finally START THE THING you have been wanting to start
  • You want more love…love for yourself, love for your body and love in your life!  (It changes everything!)

These Life + Wellbeing Strategy Sessions are NOT for you if…

  • You are already at step 4, 5 and 6…you got this…just keep going!  Maybe I can support you in another way!
  • You are not willing to Commit and work hard for their dreams
  • You are already having too much fun in your life, you can’t possibly squeeze in another giggle
  • You are full of excuses for why you can’t do_____.
  • You totally love your body and treat yourself with unlimited love and respect
  • You are totally happy with your diet and exercise routine and you are getting results you are happy with!


Let’s do this!  Let’s work together to create your best Year ever!

I am only having these Strategy Sessions between now and December 30, because I want you to be ready to LEAP starting Day 1 of 2017!

Also, I am only opening up 10 slots, so if you are interested , fill out the Application below today! – And these Will Fill up!

*there is a $50 Application fee, but if for any reason, you or I feel this isn’t a good fit the application fee is fully refundable

Apply Now!


* Application Fee applies to the total investment cost.

Create You Best Year Ever!

What people are saying about working with Sally…

Sally has been instrumental in helping me reach my full potential in so many areas of my life. Her guidance in tackling challenges and understanding habitual downfalls has really helped me understand priorities, optimal choices, optimism, and the importance of establishing positive self-worth…” – Winn, Austin TX

“Sally is a great coach because she helped me reframe the way I think about myself.  She supported me while I made some changes with my mindset, and that helped me make changes resulting in weight loss..” Kellie, Woodlands, TX

Working with Sally has changed my life. I found her at a time I wasn’t happy with myself… She helped me change that by taking small steps…and love myself the way I am. She’s my “good witch of the west”. – Ann, Belgium

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