Intuitive Eating with Heidi Bohall M.A., ACSM-CPT, CIEC

I am so thrilled to Introduce you to Certified Intuitive Eating Coach Heidi Bohall M.A., ACSM-CPT, CIEC,

Heidi currently works as a Performance Specialist at Driven Performance Training in Austin, TX, and has been a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor since 2011, helping individuals create a healthy relationship with food, exercise, mind, and body. Heidi also has an extensive background in Health Education and Health Promotion and spent 11 years as faculty at The University of Iowa the Midwest as a Behavioral Health Consultant and Health and Human Physiology.

In the episode, we talk about the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating and how you can use this methodology to transform your relationship with food and your body!

To find out more and join Heidi’s intuitive eating program:


  • Introduction to Intuitive Eating
  • Tuesday, September 20th on Zoom
  • Email [email protected] to sign up (provide name and email address).

Contact Heidi

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