Is it important to you?

I don’t have time. 

I don’t have time to work out.

I don’t have time to meditate. 

I don’t have time to start writing.

I don’t have time to cook healthy dinners. 

I don’t have time to call my friend. 

I don’t have time to eat lunch.

I don’t have time to look for a more fulfilling job.  

I don’t have time to go to the doctor. 

I don’t have time to help my daughter with her math. 

I don’t have time to…


What if you change out, I don’t have time for It’s not important?


It’s not important to work out.

It’s not important to meditate. 

It’s not important to start writing.

It’s not important to cook healthy dinners. 

It’s not important to call my friend. 

It’s not important to eat lunch. 

It’s not important to look for a more fulfilling job.  

It’s not important to go to the doctor. 

It’s not important to help my daughter with her math. 


Changes things, doesn’t it?

Is it really not important to you? 

Time is a resource, our most important resource. And how you spend your time reflects your values. Are you making time for the things you really want to do or change in your life? Is how you spend your time really reflecting your values? My guess is, that it reflects your values only partly. 

What is that thing you want to change in your life? Your health? Your job? Your relationships? Do you want to start that new business, side business, or hobby?

Each of our goals and motivations is different, but for the sake of this article, let’s talk health. You value your health. Maybe you want to lose weight, have more fitness and stamina, or improve heart health? You know you need to eat healthier and move more. But you are finding it hard to “find time” between all the things…work, family, activities…etc. 

Well, you have the time. I know 99.9% positive that you have some time, even just 10 minutes every day, to dedicate to your own care and keeping. And if you don’t, girl, we need to talk! 

Change isn’t easy because it requires looking at things differently, adjusting what is “working” now, and pushing against the inertia of life. It’s not easy, but the steps can be simple. 

Here is a simple 3 step action plan to get you started.

Action Steps

1.take a breath or two or 10.  

Start by pausing to notice WHAT exactly you want? This seems really simple, but sometimes when we feel upset or out of control, we haven’t taken any time to think about what would make us more balanced. My favorite way to uncover your wants and the true “Why” behind your want is through journaling. For example, do you want to lose weight? Why? What will your life be like, feel like, look like, when you are at that goal weight? What are you really hoping for with this change? Giving yourself the gift of space is compassionate understanding will help you when the work seems hard. 

2. start small. 

What is a small step you can take in the direction of your goal? Of course, you don’t have to have all the answers now, but what are 1 or 2 things you can do today to move in the right direction?


  • Wake up 30 minutes early to walk for 20 minutes every day. 
  • Research some quick 30 min healthy meals to cook for your family, 
  • Wake up 10 minutes earlier to meditate for 5 mins 
  • Do 20 min of yoga at lunchtime
  • Prep healthy lunches for the week
  • Sign up for that Bootcamp and schedule in the time. 
  • Cut up fruit and vegetables to have in the fridge for easy access. 

3. do the work

Do what you say you are going to do. Everyday. Show up and Stay committed. When you don’t or feel like you can, take a compassionate but honest look at why? Is stuff always coming up? Why? Are you giving your time away? Are you letting things and people take your time? Did you was your first step too big for your schedule right now? It is easy to allow the same old stuff (people, jobs, things) to begin monopolizing our time again, but be fiercely protective over your new time. Everyone will adjust and value your time more. (and you will be showing them how to value THEIR time and needs more too.)

P.S. Notice when you start allowing your old time habits up creep up again. This happens because the old way was easier and the new is more complicated, and you are “hitting the wall” of your own will-power. This is an excellent time to reevaluate again. Is your Why still motivating to you? Do you need to level up again? Is it enjoyable? 

That’s it. See, I told you it was simple. 

It’s simple, but it can feel hard and complicated. Your life is set up like it is now because it “works” for now. But sounds like you want some things to be different, so get creative, commit, and find a new normal. Then you will decide that you want to uplevel again, and it will be easier the next time because you will already know you can do it. 

And this is the cycle of growth. 

It’s a beautiful hard thing. And you are worth it. You are important and what you want is important. 

And you are worth it. 


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