Jalapeno Turnips


Not many people sing the praises about turnips, which is a shame because they are delicious! Turnips are a yummy winter root vegetable and that are lower in carbohydrates than potatoes and a good source of Vitamins C, B6 and riboflavin and depending on soil content, they can be a good source of minerals such as Potassium, Magnesium and phosphorus. And because they are part of the cruciferous family (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) they are rich in the cancer protecting sulfer-containing phytochemicals glucosilonates.  Awesome, right?

I love Turnips as a good side alternative to potatoes. In fact, began my love affair with turnips when I was pregnant with my son, many many moons ago. Weird pregnancy cravings led me to turnips, then I thought “Oh man, you know what would make these amazing?! Jalapenos!” And I was right, they did. And I have been making and enjoying this wonderful spicy turnip recipe ever since.

Turnips do have a slightly  bitter  sulfuric flavor, (similar to brussels sprouts), so my kiddos are still in the “testing and trying and rejecting” stages of enjoying these little beauties.  But I keep making them, so they can keep testing them and I know that some day they will enjoy them too.   Don’t give up mom’s and dad’s, taste preferences are always evolving…but the only way to evolve them is to offer different options and tastes 🙂  Simply delicious!


Turnips are cool lookin’ right?  Take you turnips, wash them, then remove skin and cube them.  I like slightly bigger peices, but cube them to whatever size you prefer.




Toss them in some salted water.




Boil them until they are tender, about 10 mintes




Drain the water. Add 1 Tbsp butter and about 1-2Tbsp diced jalapeno.  I used fresh here, but you can used pickeled to, both are yum!  Add a tiny pinch of salt if you want, but I feel the salted water imparts enough flavor.




Enjoy!  These are a great side to meatloaf and Roasted Pork or Beef!

Let me know how you like them!

Jalapeno Turnips
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
  • 1-2lbs turnips
  • 1Tbsp Butter
  • Salt to salt water
  • 1Tbsp minced Jalapeno, fresh or pickled
  1. Skin and quarter/cube the turnips to desired size.
  2. Place cut turnips into salted water.
  3. Boil turnips for about 10minutes, until tender
  4. Once tender, drain water and add diced jalapenos and butter and toss
  5. Enjoy!


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