Just Bloom

a flower does not compare itself to other flowers, it just blooms

This is a reminder I often need.

Sometimes when starting something new, a job, a lifestyle change, a new hobby, it is easy to get discouraged when we are in the beginning stages.   The road isn’t never perfect, or as smooth as it appears to be for the people around us or who have inspired us  And this is a big blow to the ego, so we default to the insecurities and the often untrue and unproductive beliefs we have about ourselves.

We want to be perfect and good at everything because this means we are good and valuable people. Right?


The truth is, you are valuable and good, not because of  your actions, your performance or your achievements, you are brilliant, good, amazing, valuable and worthwhile, just because you are the bundle of you.

You are the whole perfect package of awesomeness with your unique set of talents, ideals, values, quirks, and gifts.

You bring value and light to this world because you hold the exact gifts that complete the puzzle of the universe.

The need for perfection keeps us stuck because perfection is a myth.  Perfection is a comparison of ourselves and our talents to others, and because we are all unique we will never measure up.

“Don’t let Perfect be the Enemy of the Good” – Voltaire

BE good, BE compassionate, BE Strong, BE loving, BE tenacious  in all your life pursuits.  

Be Yourself, that is what is needed to make whatever you are doing excellent.

Remember, everyone in all situations starts at the beginning. And the beginning normally has a pretty steep uphill climb but expect it, and walk it knowing you are equipt to handle the journey. When  it gets tough half way up, don’t stop, because if up stop you will roll  back down to the bottom. And you will land at the bottom with a few bumps and bruises, especially to your spirit, which makes it painful to stand up and start again.

On the other hand, when it gets tough half way up, you recenter yourself and your intentions and gather your strength (which you have in spades) and keep walking. You will  reach the top. Without damage to your spirit, and a sense of accomplishment and affirmation that you made it.

You have to start at the beginning, not the end

And you will continue onward, because the journey next ends, it is always a process and we are always moving,  It is up to you only where you go and how you get there.  I wish you is a joyful and excellent journey my friends!

Be Well, Be Happy,



P.s.  I am here to walk with you on your journey.  Let me know how I can support you.  🙂 

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