Let’s Flamingle! How to Create A Simply Fabulous Flamingo Party

Flamingo party

This post has been a long time coming.  I simply love parties; the planning, the people, the happiness, the joy, the fun, the…well everything about them really! Except maybe the clean up afterwards…that I don’t love,  but I am cool with if I can have the other stuff. 🙂  I have to admit to going crazy in the past with really elaborate and very expensive parties (mainly kids birthdays) that I would get all stressed about; before because I had over estimated my time and abilities,  and after reeling because “how could I spend so much money I had spent on a 3 year old’s party?!” and having too much junk food left over because I over catered (on the silly stuff that Pinterest said I must include at said 3 year old’s party) as always .  I also felt  worn out because I couldn’t fully enjoy the party because of the frenzy leading up to it and I had so much to clean up…ugh. Can anyone relate to any of this?

Well, for the past two years or so I have been streamlining the party planning process and it makes all the difference.  Mainly I keep it simple, the menu, the decor, the activities, everything.  Simple.

Here was my Flamingling Plan…


  • Pink frosted cupcakes (regular vanilla and a gluten free, egg free cupcake for our allergic friends) – made by yours truly from  box mixes…remember I am not much us a baker.
  • Cut up fruit: Cubed Watermelon, Strawberries and Sliced Apples and Pears – I tried to keep to a pink and red theme
  • Bagels: These are simple and inexpensive and relatively healthy (depending on your food ideals).  These I sliced into quarters to make small portions for small people and served with Regular cream cheese and Strawberry cream cheese.
  • Beverages: Pink Lemonade and Water.  With beverages I like to mix-up a large container of Lemonade (or tea or Juice) rather than buying a bunch of mini-throw-away  individual containers.  I am very enviromentally conscience and all the waste makes me feel bad, also making a large batch is less exspensive and gives me the opportunity to use my spouted beverage container.


  • I love simple decorations, I think they bring everything together!  So for this party, I used a simple dark colored  patterned   table runner (under $15 at TJmaxx) that can be used again,  a Plastic Flamengo (who now gaurds our front porch), to man the Lemonade station, and the Pinata (a birthday party favorite at our house)for the middle of the table.


  • I had bubbles for all the kids (which were promptly dumped out by the 3 year olds), they played outside and then it was Pinata time (not sure how to write in words that the kids all took turns smashing  the Pinata with a baseball bat…yikes sounds so brutal)
Harold our new pet Flamingo,  manning the Lemonade station
Harold our new pet Flamingo, manning the Lemonade station
Menu: sliced apples & pears, whole strawberries, bagels with strawberry and regular cream cheese.
Menu: sliced apples & pears, whole strawberries, bagels with strawberry and regular cream cheese.
Watermelon! A must!
Watermelon! A must!

IMG_5918 IMG_5920

Regular vanilla cupcakes
Regular vanilla cupcakes
These are the Gluten free Egg Free cupcakes.  Store bought gluten free  brownie mix, Made with hydrated Chia seeds in place of eggs
These are the Gluten free Egg Free cupcakes. Store bought gluten free brownie mix, Made with hydrated Chia seeds in place of eggs.  Someone took a finger swipe of icing while we weren’t looking…I have a feeling I know who it was…
Had to have another picture of these cute cupcakes.  They are store bought cake mix with strawberry icing and I got the "party" Flamingo straws on amazon
Had to have another picture of these cute cupcakes. They are store bought cake mix with strawberry icing and I got the “party” Flamingo straws on amazon


Little sea of Flamingos...just makes me happy!
Little sea of Flamingos…just makes me happy!
Pinata Time!
Pinata Time!
Happy Birthday Schmunchie!  You light up my life!
Happy Birthday Schmunchie! You light up my life!
Harold now has a permanent gig protecting the front porch
Harold now has a permanent gig protecting the front porch

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