Light Eggnog (cooked)

Light Eggnog

It’s Recipe Redux time! Here month’s recipe redux was predestined.  Here is the theme for this month:

Grab a Book & Cook
It’s the end of the year and we’re taking a moment to reflect: ReDux has been around for 42 months!  To celebrate, we’re playing a little party game this month: Grab your nearest cookbook and ReDux the recipe on page 42 or 142.

The first thing I did was grab my cooking bible, The Joy of Cooking. I have a bunch of niche cookbooks, but the Joy of Cooking is my go-to for any cooking questions and staples.  So I took it off the shelf and turned directly to page 142 and holy, moly…it’s Eggnog!

Eggnog collage

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE Eggnog!  I get gitty and have been known to squeal a little when I start seeing Eggnog stocked on the shelves of my local grocery store.  I can’t get enough of the stuff.  In fact when Starbucks decided to stop making the Eggnog Lattes this holiday season, I felt like the bottom fell out of my world. But thanks to global outcry and a petition with more than 2500 signatures, Starbucks saw the error in their ways and smartly brought back this delightful treat. Ok, so we have established that  I simply adore this delightful holiday beverage. But there is one dark side of eggnog I just can’t turn a blind eye to, and that is the huge amount of extra calories and sugar in this treat. So this is the perfect opportunity to make a light and delicious homemade version,  something I have never done before!  And just in time for Christmas too!

Here goes and it was actually pretty easy.


Thoroughly whip together 4 whole eggs and 1/2 cup of sugar.  All the recipes I researched said to whisk, but I am all about speed and used my handheld blender on low.


Once the eggs and sugar are whisked to a froth, add 4 cups of low fat milk, vanilla and spices.  Mix again on low with your handheld mixture.


Pour mixture into a large sauce pan to gently cook.


Cook on medium, constantly stirring until it starts to steam and forms a white ring around the edges.  Make sure you don’t cook for too long or get too hot or you will start to make custard, which is equally as delish, but not what we are aiming for here 🙂


Place in a container and chill for a minimum of 4 hours.


And serve!  My kids were so thrilled to have this delicious treat with their breakfast, because I am not the only one in the family who has developed a love for eggnog!  And now we can enjoy it in a new and healthy way! Happy Holidays friends!

And to make this an adult beverage, feel free to add your favorite spirits like brandy, bourbon or rum.

5.0 from 2 reviews
Light Eggnog (cooked)
Recipe type: Beverage
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 6
  • 4 large eggs
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • 4 cups lowfat (1%) milk (can also use almond or soy milk for non-dairy option)
  • 1tsp vanilla
  • ½ tsp nutmeg
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  1. Whisk the eggs and sugar together on low with handheld mixer (or by hand with whisk) until frothy
  2. Add milk, vanilla and spices and mix on low until thoroughly combined.
  3. Pour into a large sauce pan and cook on medium low, constantly stirring until it starts to steam and form a whitish ring around edge. continue to cook at this point for about 1 minute. Don't get too hot or over cook because it will turn into custard.
  4. Move to a pitcher or smaller glass container and chill for a minimum of 4 hours.
  5. For an adult beverage, you can add spike it with your fav spirit, such as brandy, rum or bourbon.
  6. Enjoy!


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