Make it Monday: Overnight Oats

MAke it Monday Overnight Oats

Wow, what a great experience!  To say I am excited about me local news segment is an understatement…thrilled is maybe a better word!

When Lauren Petrowski from Fox 7 Austin asked me to be on Good Day Austin’s Make it Monday segment to make my Overnight Oats recipe,  I was super excited and totally flattered, so I jumped at the chance!

I arrived at the Fox studio yesterday with all my ingredients in tow and lots of butterflies in my stomach.  This was my #first time on TV, so I was a bit anxious about it;  what it would be like, what to expect and how I would do.  All the usual what ifs and self-doubt junk.  And my mind kept wanting to play that negative, confidence shattering movie reel, the one where I dropped the milk bottle, or I forgot the next step or I started stuttering uncontrollably…what if, what if, what if.  I was feeling very vulnerable, which is a very hard place to be.  So I had to do some personal coaching, because I truly believe that  we create our own reality  and I didn’t want that movie reel to be my reality.  So I did my best to squash that  line of thinking and instead made a conscious effort to focus  on bringing fun, joy and happiness to the experience, enjoying every moment and trusting myself enough to do a great job!  🙂

And I am really happy with the results.   🙂

MyFoxAustin | KTBC | Fox 7 Austin | News Weather Sports

And I couldn’t have done it without all of you! I could definitely feel all the love and positive energy that was flowing from all you, my friends at home and in cyberspace.  I don’t think you truly comprehend what your support means to me (getting teary eyed writing this)! You are truly a gift and treasure you!

You are truly a gift and treasure you!

Here are a few pictures of my little adventure!  (my photographer friend Sara will be proud of me because I often forget to take pictures of my events , I have who kids birthday parties that I have zero pictures from…maybe we can chalk it up to being really present 😉 )

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I arrived (early for once in my life) and just like any self-respecting, professional woman does, I take an open-mouthed selfie in front of the Fox7 Austin sign!

I waited in the Green Room ( #first green room experience) while they film the segments before me.


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Then they called me into the studio to set up my goods.  So first I laid my nice ironed kitchens towels out for a homey feel (did it work?) Then I set everything up and waited there until it was my turn…and this like an eternity, but was actually only about 10minutes, but was enough time for me to get really sweaty, which gave me another thing to try not to worry about! 😉 (Too much info?)

Finally they set me up with a mic and Lauren came over to start.  She was so kind and gracious, and really went out of her way to make me feel at ease, which I appreciated so much!

When we finally started filming, it was so fun!  I got into the flow, and I felt like I was talking to a friend in my kitchen.  It was pretty awesome and over in a flash! I hope I get asked to do it again (just gonna go ahead and put that out there…) because I would do it again in a heartbeat!

And thanks again to everyone who commented, shared, tweeted, and logged on yesterday! My heart was so full and I felt so loved and you made this happen…



…I had so many visitors to my site I exceeded the bandwidth!  Which is another #first and a #goodproblem to have.

So thanks for indulging me and allowing me to write a full post about my amazing experience!  Oh,  that is another first, this is my #first #unbelievablyawesomeexperience post, but I hope it will not be my last!


Thanks and Lots of love,


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