Movement is the language of your soul

This is the 4th in a 4 part weight loss series about how to free yourself of heaviness, the body, mind and soul kind!


Movement is the language of our body.

And we are so disconnected our bodies…for so many reasons…and this is a big problem.  Our beautiful, magnificent body is the container for our soul and our soul has a lot of important information messages for us. So when we are disconnected and fractured from our body, we feel disconnected and fractured in our life and we miss important signals, signs and forget just how powerful we really are.

So to reconnect we must start speaking the same language —> and therein lies the power of movement and exercise.

Movement and activity used to be innate in our daily lives, so we were able to move through emotions, have a break for the overbearing the voice our mind (hello EGO!) and were highly acquainted with our inner wisdom (hello Soul and Intuition).

But we have become an inactive and sedentary society, which changes the functioning of our bodies and has contributed to the huge disconnect we feel from our fullness, purpose and our power source —> our own inner knowing.

Reconnection is the real power of movement.

The power is in our reconnect and remembering that we are powerful and of the source.

It is my belief that body weight (overweight) is not the real “problem” in your life, is just the symptom or manifestation of the problem. It’s a symptom that something ain’t right…and if we don’t fix the root problem, we will continue to continue to experience the symptoms –> heaviness (body, mind and soul heaviness).

And it’s not just a calorie balance issue, is a disconnection,  self-care, self-love problem.  Calorie balance and weight maintenance are something achieve only when we develop new self-care and self-love skills…this is really where transformation happens.

One of the stories and messages our society gives us is that we are weak, powerless,  incapable and that we should be happy with our lot in life. This keeps us feeling and acting small and wanting to become smaller (weight loss?)…and then we can’t understand why we feel unfulfilled and out of control. This is bull-sh$t. We are not any of those things.

But we have been so fully immersed in this powerless story, so it feels real. But we need to throw off these fake limitations and remember, reclaim and recognize our own power.


Practice being and feeling powerful on a regular basis.  Tap into the fierce feminine power within each us.

And Exercise is one of the best and simplest ways to practice being and feeling powerful and strong.  Not only does it make you feel strong, like actually makes your body strong and where the body goes the mind follows.

We need more strong women in this world.

And the movement afterall is the language of the body, so when we move in a loving and positive way, we begin speaking our own language and we unite.


So practice power and strength daily by moving your body daily. Start there. Then when you feel stronger, push yourself to get stronger and faster and gain more stamina. –> You will need it because you need to do you great work in the world.

Exercise is not about burning calories and getting smaller, it’s about getting stronger and being the most potent version of yourself.

Don’t ever forget that.

Be well,


P.S. Are you ready?  Are you ready to manifest, be, create and live in a body that you love? Are you ready to feel confident, feel strong, be bold and release the heaviness from your body? Are you ready to transform? Yes. or was that a Hell YES! Then Schedule your free Transformation Session HERE with me today to see how I can help you transform your body and your life.

P.P.S.Let’s connected!  Are we connected on Instagram and Facebook? If not, then we should be! And if you are looking for a tribe of women dedicated to their own health and personal growth, join my facebook group, The Vibrant Warriors! I am hanging out there often giving support and having fun!

And in case you missed them, here is  Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3,  of the is 4 part series

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