Ay, summertime it’s pool/beach/hiking season/what-ever-you-like-to-do-outdoor season!
Whenever you are out enjoying the sunshine, it’s vital to protect your skin to reduce cancer risk and protect your skin from premature aging.
I am pretty viglent about sunscreen for myself and my kids.
When I was a kid, people weren’t as careful or as aware of the importance of sunscreen. When I was younger I remember being I was burned ALOT. So I am super careful of sun exposure, especially on my face…I’m trying really hard not to look like an old bag when I’m 60!
I’m also super careful to protect my kids protect their skin as much as possible! I encourage sunscreen most of the time for them as well!
Ok, so what about getting enough Vitamin D?
This is super important and doesn’t happen when you apply sunscreen 100% of the time. So it’s important to find a balance between giving your skin adequate uncovered time to make Vit D and protecting yourself from sun damage.
The general recommendation is 5-30 minutes of UVB sunshine 3 days a week for adequate Vit D synthesis in the skin. Of course, this varies depending on the time of year, latitude, and skin pigment (Pigment in persons with darker skin blocks sunlight absorption, reducing Vit D synthesis. Read more about this HERE.)
I am a big fan of sunshine daily, and I find myself getting at least 10min of sunshine every day!
So my daily moisturizer has at least 15 SPF, so I know my face is always protected, and I typically wear a hat too. But I let me arms and legs un-screened for 10-30 minutes (Vitamin D baby!) . If I am going to be out for longer than 10-30 minutes, I slather on the sunscreen!
I prefer a mineral-based sunscreen vs a chemical-based sunscreen. The FDA approves Chemical Sunscreens, but there is some evidence that the chemicals can be harmful to our health and the health of our ocean-dwelling friends! (More about that here form the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association)
So while the potential harmful effects of some of the chemicals in sunscreen to our health is up for debate, but the damaging effects of prolonged sun exposure are NOT! So whatever you choose, definitely protect your skin!
Here are my favorite Mineral based Sunscreens for 2023!
This is my favorite! It goes on smoothly, it’s thick or sticky and it protects SOOOOO well! It is pretty pricey, a problem when you and your family lose multiple bottles over the summer! So it’s extra expensive to buy more bottles to replace the lost ones!
This summer will be different though, I bought 2 bottles and I am determined to keep them all summer (Click HERE to order)

SunBum 30 SPF Mineral Sunscreen
It’s not too thick, doesn’t make you look pasty, and does a good job!

Babo Botanicals Clear Zinc Sunscreen
I love it because it goes on clear, protects well and isn’t too spendy!

dōTERRA® sun Face + Body Mineral Sunscreen Lotion
This is a new one for us this year! We used this at my parent’s house and loved it! We spent the whole 100+ degree day by the pool and didn’t get burned! (well, most of us didn’t get burned, my teenager who didn’t apply regularly get a little burned, but teens…am I right?) It goes on smoothly, it’s not too thick but protects well!
It also contains Aloe Vera and Vit E, which are good for your skin!

I’m wishing you a safe and joyful summer!
Whatever you choose, be sure an protect your skin!
P.S. This post contains affiliate links. It’s a small commission when you purchase…it will help me buy more sunscreen when we lose it 🙂