Why New Year’s Resolutions Rock.

Happy New Year my friend!

So it’s the New Year and you know what that means right?  It’s resolution time!

I think New Year’s resolutions get a bad rap.  I LOVE New Years resolutions. Why? Because change is good and because when anyone who makes a New Years resolution is really just wanting to feel better about something in their life,  and that’s a beautiful thing.  And every change has to have a catalyst and the start of the new year is perfect because of the beginning of a New Year like a clean slate. It offers a chance to set up a new way of being and feeling. Yes, you can make changes at any time and any time of year, but the start of the new year feels so solid and fresh, so it’s a really good time to begin! 

But I want your resolutions to be different this year.

What if instead resolving to drop that 20 lbs. or get a 6 pack or finally fit into those jeans from high school, you decided to resolve to start focusing on doing something every day to feel healthy, and full of energy? Or if you resolved to change your inner dialogue and speak to yourself with kindness, love, and compassion? What if you focused on moving your body and exercising to feel strong and healthy, instead of spending that hour in the gym to burn those 350 calories.

So what if you did that for 1 week? Then 3 weeks? The 3 months? What would your life, body, energy, and health look like then?

My guess is, the results would be same, that after 3 months of nourishing, loving and caring for yourself, you would have dropped a few pounds, would feel stronger, you will have more energy, and feel more content and confident in your skin and all the new habits and choices are starting to feel more “normal”. Nourishing yourself, body, mind, and soul are becoming part of your life, not something you are struggling with every day.

And all that changed is the intention with which you started making changes. You focused on nourishing yourself, instead of counting calories. You started being and feeling strong with daily positive movement, instead of having to drag your ass to the gym to slave away on the elliptical. And you affirmed your value and self worth everyday by being loving and unconditionally kind and compassionate, instead of keeping yourself “on-track” by pointing out all your (preserved) flaws.

It’s all the same stuff, but totally feeling and you will also have a totally different result!

So create your New Years resolutions, but make them from a place of self-love and self-care.

And if that is hard and you aren’t exactly sure how to do it because you are so used the other way, start with the basics…

How do you want to feel in 2018? (Remember skinny isn’t a feeling)

Will your goal help you feel that way?

Create actions that you can take every day to help you feel the way you want to feel…

(Example: Want to have more energy? Prioritize your sleep, move every day and maybe even experiment with stress management technique like meditation. What to lose weight and feel healthy? Nourish yourself with healthy wholesome food, begin to notice your hunger and fullness signals, create positive movement every day and create a self-love mantra to help you remember just how amazing you are and why you want to treat yourself with so much care. )

Then set up your schedule to do those things everyday. Start small, baby steps are the best…you built upon your successes. If you are new to this, it’s best to save those giant leaps for when you have a solid self-love foundation (love is what your parachute is made out of, and chances are, you will need one someday).

And now begin. This is going to be your best year yet!

With love,


P.S. Need a little extra support create a new loving framework for your new nourishing, healthy lifestyle? Well, I have the perfect thing!  I am starting another 30 day Reset on January 19th and registration starts on January 10th, so if you are interested in being healthier, happier and more vibrant in the New Year get on the interest list for the 30 day Reset. The Reset is not a diet program, it’s a whole body life healthy Reset, so you can start feeling amazing…and when you feel amazing you will look amazing!

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