These are my personal mantras at the moment.

These are my mantras at the moment.

Because sometimes I forget.

How we speak to ourselves and our opinion of ourselves is really important,   in fact, our own is the most important opinion.

If you have a low, unloving, or uncompassionate opinion of yourself, your talents, your body, your abilities…you act accordingly.

But I have good news, those low opinions are created, so we can uncreate them too.

And the only way to change this negative opinion is to change the way we speak to ourselves, change our inner dialogue. And that is as simple rewriting this dialogue and this is where mantras come in .

Saying, repeating, feeling Mantras, creates new inner dialogue, by consciously practicing new more empowering self-talk.

So here is how it works.  Let’s create some powerful new ways of being in the world, some new mantra.

Sit down, take some deep breaths place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly

1st – Pretend like you are talking to your cosmic best friend, tell her your pain and struggle. What do you want? What is really painful right now?

2nd – Now be still and allow her to share the truth with you. Allow her to tell you what you need to hear. (Psst,. She is your inner wisdom, and she speaks the truth) .

3rd – Write that down.

4th – Say the words to yourself often, allowing the words to resonate in your body and in your emotions.

This last part is very important (in fact, it is maybe the most important part!)  You can’t simply say the words to yourself, you must feel the feelings that go along with those words being true.  When I say these mantras, I have to feel what it would feel like to be total, completely fully loved and cherished or to feel confident and deserving of being where I am and receiving the abundance that is coming my way.

Emotions create inspired action.  Emotions manifest. You must feel it.

Then when you need to hear something different, simplyask again.

The wisdom is infinite.

You are infinite.


With love,


P.S. the Mantra, “ I am already at the party” I heard on an episode of the Robcast, (Episode 157 | Alternative Wisdom – Part 6 – Sheep, Coins and Sons)   He was talking about how we are always trying to earn what comes to us in this life… love, acceptance, value, happiness…but the truth is that we already have all those things, we have already arrived were we desire to be, we simply must lift the curtain and step into that role. We are already at the party, now all we have to do is dance.

[bctt tweet=”How we speak to ourselves and our opinion of ourselves is really important,   in fact, our own is the most important opinion. ” username=”@sallytwellman”]

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