Pre-Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes

A Few weeks ago I introduced you to the importance of Blood sugar control and gaining a better understanding of Insulin resistance, Read more HERE.

In this episode, I dive deeper into blood sugar, insulin resistance, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Why is this SOOOOO important? 

Progressive Insulin resistance results in the inability to manage blood sugar.  Leading to chronic high blood sugars and potential complications.

What can you Do? 

How To: Diet

  • Foundational (Everyone)
    • Nutrient Dense high fiber, plant-based (with animal-based or plant-based protein, your choice).
    • Moderate Carbohydrates
    • Mediterranean Diet
    • Eliminate Added Sugar

If your blood sugar normalizes, fantastic! then you don’t have to make further Interventions!

  • Foundation + Interventional – Reduce carbohydrates, increase protein and healthy fat to achieve good blood sugar control
    • A modified Keto-style diet may be helpful if moderate carbohydrate intake isn’t achieving desired BG control
      • Maintain nutrient dense diet and use healthy fats, lean protein

How To: Movement

  • Move Daily
  • Build Lean body mass to be and feel strong and increase your insulin sensitivity.

How To: Mindset

  • Manage your stress! Both mental and physical stress increases blood sugar.
    • Meditation
    • Yoga
    • Mindful breathing
    • Prayer
    • Journaling
    • Laughing

Need more Support? 👇

My Blood Sugar Support Supplement Protocol:

14 Day Blood Sugar Fix – Coming Soon! 


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