The Pretty Side of Beauty


Ok, so a few weeks ago on a conversation starter on Facebook live, I talked about the crazy amount of importance, time and energy we put on beauty and being pretty in our society. Watch the video and read more about it HERE!

Well, this was a hot topic, and I had a few comments and questions about it so I thought I would expand a little more on the subject.

So, one of the main questions/comments I got was about, my views on what exactly I thought was an acceptable amount of time and energy we should put on looking attractive and changing our appearance. Also, Being a wellness coach I do talk a lot about creating body change and health change in our lives.

And basically I think this all comes down to intention. When you are thinking about beauty, appearance, exercise or eating healthy, what is your intention?

Ok, so I love to feel pretty and well put together, I love doing my nails, styling my hair and feeling snazzy in my clothes. I spend time every morning getting dressed.

I also, spend time nearly everyday being physically active and eating healthy food because I like feeling fit and comfortable in my skin.

But I file all this time and energy into my self-care category.

Meaning, I do all these things to care for myself, make my needs and myself a priority and feel strong and confident…not to feel valuable or worthy.

And I know the difference.

Because I know what it feels like to do all these things in order to feel valuable and worthy as a women and feel acceptable. Because I didn’t feel valuable, worthy or enough inside, in fact I lived for over 20 years of my life trapped and buying hook, line and sinker into this story and standard of female value. And oh man was I harsh and judgmental about this, towards myself and towards other women. I can remember thinking some really ugly and unkind things and this memory fills me with sadness, both for limited self and for targets of my judgments…who were just a mirror for my internal mean girl. As is always the case for all judgment and hurtfulness.

But I have spent the last 4+ years of my life changing this story and growing as a person and woman.

And I feel free.

I am free to be who I am and living and expressing myself confidently, in the world without the need to be or act in a certain way, I can just be me…in all my imperfect perfection.

The weight and burden of this need physical perfection is so heavy and it limits us so much as women and people.

But you have a choice to stop living with that burden, it just takes becoming aware of the conversations you have with yourself and others, about the subject and importance of beauty. Also, look at the prejudice you have about weight and appearance, these prejudices are often subconscious toxic stories we apply to our selves and others, that keep us trapped.

But awareness is the first step to changing this narrative and transforming your relationship with yourself aWhen you love and accept yourself as you arend people around you.

Then start loving and accepting yourself in all your imperfect perfection, just as you are now. Not, 10 pounds from now, not with blond hair, not with that new pair of jeans…now, right now. You will be able to love and enjoy your life, like never before. #Magic

You know what the best part is? Once you start truly loving and appreciating yourself, as you are, all the other wants will just start happening or become less important. I promise, it really is just like magic!

And all that other stuff will be icing on the cake…it will simply enhance who you are, it won’t be who you are…and YOU will be free!

Be free my friends, and change the conversation!

Free and Fabulous,


P.S. If you are ready to be free (and fabulous) checkout my Empowered Warrior Academy, it is a fabulous 6 week group programs where you will cultivate a new love and acceptable for yourself, so you can start elevating and transforming your life! Enrollment starts soon and the next session begins in September 2016!  You can find all the details here! 

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