Quinoa Veggie Protein Power Bowl

Power Bowl


It’s Recipe Redux time again, and this month we are talking Protein Power Bowls. “Packed with protein, fiber and color, plant power bowls are trendy and delicious. Show us the healthy recipe that’s in your bowl.”

Can I be honest with you?

Full disclosure, when I saw the theme for this month my little food-blogger heart into a self-esteem fueled nose-dive, because I had no idea what a Protein Power Bowl was!  and as aa “good-food-blogger/dietitian”, I should be up on all the  “trendy” food trends out there! ????  But then I remembered I was also a life coach and was able to pull myself out of this particular existential crisis and googled “What is a Protein Power Bowl” and google told me, in a totally nonjudgemental way, which of course I appreciated. ????

And wouldn’t you know it, I was already making Protein Power Bowls and didn’t even know it! Basically, a protein power bowl is just a mix of your favor veggies, whole grains and lean proteins. I actually love these lunches because they are made with left-over tidbits I already have in my fridge,  including quinoa, rice, barley, roasted vegetables, potatoes…ect. Its a similar idea to Favorite lunch, “a picnic lunch”:


But with a bit more vegetables and in a bowl form.

So for this Protein Power bowl, I am just combining some left over Quinoa (I actually make extra so I am use it for lunch or to make granola bars) and whatever leftover veggies I have in my fridge (which I deliberately make extra potatoes and roasted cauliflower to use in lunches also…not gonna make granola bars out of these though) + avocado + hummus + carrot + boiled egg + cabbage, all on a bed of spinach. and it was yummy!



Here is the full recipe, but I must but a disclaimer, all of these measurements are a guesstimation, but this is a “go with your gut” kind of a thing!

Quinoa Veggie Protein Power Bowl
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
  • 1-2 cups baby spinach
  • ¼ cup cooked Quinoa
  • ¼ cup roasted sweet potatoes cubes
  • ¼ cup roasted cauliflower,
  • ½ avocado, diced
  • 1 egg, boiled
  • ¼ cup cabbage or cabbage salad mix
  • 2 Tbsp shredded carrots
  • 1 quarter lime
  • 2 Tbsp Olive oil (optional for dressing)
  • 1 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt (optional for seasoning)
  • Fresh ground pepper to taste
  • Dash of Sriracha Sauce (optional)
  1. Layer spinach at the bottom of the bowl and Combine the rest of the ingredients on top of spinach.
  2. Enjoy




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