This is what is really keep you from losing weight.

This is the 1st of a 4 part weight loss series about how to free yourself of heaviness,  the body, mind and soul kind!

What is keeping you overweight?

Eating too much in general? Eating too much fat? Eating too many carbohydrates? Not enough protein? No willpower? Laziness? Overwhelming cravings?

Have you been on diet after diet, tried the high fat low carbs, tried the low-fat high carbs, have eaten high-protein diets and pretty much any combination in between….and nothing works.

Well, it probably worked for a while, but then your best intentions go sideways?

Does that sound familiar? Well, you aren’t alone! That’s a story I hear all the time and that is what is keeping you overweight.  ????

What is keeping you overweight, is the reason WHY you continue to binge in the evening, need to afternoon candy bar, have 2 glasses of wine every night, feel out of control when you have a bag of M&Ms in the house.

What is keeping you overweight are the feelings, habits, patterns where you are using food for fun and to change your emotional state, instead of using it nourish and fuel your body.

What is keeping you from losing weight and keeping it off, is the WHY behind why you need to overeat and feel out of control around food.

What keeps you overweight is the cycle of—> living life and having uncomfortable feeling –> overeating –> feeling guilty about for overeating –> berating yourself and your body –> then vowing to do better, eat better & exercise more –> so you do and it feels good for a while –> then you start to feel that familiar discomfort and need –> so you hang on and white knuckle it –>but it’s just overwhelming —> you cave and over eat chips after work one day —> feel shitty –> Feel guilty and vow to do better —> start a new diet –> and it all begins again…

Sound familiar?

And this cycle is so destructive and it keeps you feeling out of control…keeping you overweight and gaining weight.  My guess you know how to eat, when to eat and what to eat, which makes it even more frustrating that you do what you know consistently.

Why? Why can’t you stick to it and be consistent?   Well, the answer is different for everyone, but once you figure that out, it will change your life.

It’s simple, but not easy.  In fact, it’s really hard. Really, really hard.

But give yourself a chance, take some time to ask yourself those hard questions, why questions and you will figure it out. And you will not only change your weight, you will release yourself from heaviness –> body, mind and soul heaviness.

Try this: When you get that urge to eat, ask yourself  “AM I really hunger?”  “What do I really want right now”

You will gain awareness and clarity with time.

Oh, and doesn’t forget love and compassion.  Just like you would give a cherished friend unconditional love and compassion when she is learning something new, give yourself the same.

You will free yourself.

With love,


P.S. Check back next week when the next #2 video drops! In the meantime, if you want some extra support, join my Free Facebook Group The Vibrant Warriors. We are a group of women who support and inspire in our personal growth journeys to live lives they love, in bodies they love!  Join the Tribe HERE.


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