Recognize adversity for what it is…

Adversity is an opportunity to be a stronger, better version of yourself.

It is the universe’s school for the spirit.  If you next had to figure it out, you never would figure it out. (I sounds like a very Yogi Berra thing to say).

the hills and valleys of your life have only deepe

Adversity and struggle are a part of ALL of our lives.

But you have a choice, you can either yourself to get swept away in the circumstance and struggle or your downhill journey or you can allow your waters to deepen and mine the treasures you find there.

It’s ok, to give your self time to temporarily float along or even sink a bit in the depths of your struggle, but don’t resign yourself to that fate.  That would be a sad wasted use of your talents, gifts and purpose on this earth.

You have the choice instead to say “What am I learning from this?” “How can I move forward and move on?”

Now, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t easy, in fact it is often the harder choice to make (in the moment), but this choice will allow you to growth, learn and ultimately thrive in the future.

So, next time you are faced with a difficult situation or struggle, what will you do?

Succumb, Crumble or yield to the circumstances?


Will you survive, thrive and grow stronger? 

I know which I choose!

With love,


P.S. My super fantastic and life changing Empowered Warrior Academy is now open for enrollment!  The empowered warrior academy is a 6 week online wellness academy that is designed especially to help smart, amazing women,  to help them thrive and grow stronger in the face of adversity!  They learn new tools to help them create a life and body they love, by helping the address current limitations and develop strengths so create a life and body they love!

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