“Rule your Mind or It Will Rule You”


Rule your mind or it will rule you

Thoughts are not facts.

Also, the feelings that result from those false thoughts are not real either. In fact they are at best restrictive and at worst destructive.

These thoughts are not real because they created by the Ego, which was made to protect us from harm and keep us grounded in reality.  But this Ego voice is typically reactive, speaks out of fear and can spin out of control.

The spin-doctor voice of the Ego was really only meant to be one of the guiding voices in our life. The other voice is the voice of our essence, our God voice, our sacred self, our heart voice.

This heart voice, is the voice that is connected to for our true wants, desires, soul values and spirituality. This inner voice, is our voice of kindness, compassion, curiosity and wholeness. It is not blinded by our circumstances, our experiences, or our prejudices, like the ego voice is.

Simply, our heart voice speaks our truth.

The Ego’s job is to keep us safe, and this can be helpful and has its place. But because it’s job is to warn us of real or potential danger, it keeps us in a state in fear and wariness, and it seems like many of us are in that place far too often. And this is what keeps us trapped in our cage. Even though this cage is uncomfortable, small and lonely, it’s safe.

The ego voice was really only intended to the fine print at the bottom of the page in our thinking mind. It was supposed to tell us to *proceed with caution, or the *look both ways before crossing. It was not supposed to be our roadmap.

So, then why do we give it top billing?

Because it’s loud.

It’s also tricky, knows our buttons and all of our sore spots. And it’s good at it’s job.  It’s weapons have been honed and sharpen by many aspects of our lives, including the fast paced, loud, instant-gratification, fear-mongering society we live in, and the social shoulds and expectations we are immersed in.   And so our cage grows harder, stronger and a little smaller.

Our essence, our inner voice on the other hand,  is soft and calm, and waits until you are ready before it speaks. This voice is like a lovely flower, it does not call out to you saying “I’m here! Come admire me!!!” No, it grows and blooms, when you slow down enough to glance its way, it will give you its gifts.

And just because your essence is quiet, that doesn’t mean it’s not powerful. It is very powerful.

In fact, our essence is the place where our true power resides.

Because, when we listen to this voice to guide us, we know our way and our unique purpose. It’s #magic. Being engaged with the wisdom of this essence voice fills us with a peaceful energy that is both exciting and freeing.

Ok, if this voice is so powerful and energetic, why do we have such a hard time hearing it?

Well, we just don’t have enough practice listening to it and trusting it.   And we are also more attuned to reacting to fear, instead of reacting to calm.

But this can change with intention and with practice.

Here is how…

First, quiet the noise of your mind through meditation, prayer, reflection, or another form of mental calming.

Then, just sit  with yourself in this quiet space.  Hang on, hang on, I may be losing you here, your prejudiced ego voice may to telling you, “this sounds like hippy-style communing silliness”  And it is. But it is strength and voice finding action.  And your ego doesn’t like it, because it is fearful that it will no longer be your driver.

Just try it.

If for no other reason, just to breath and calm. You are being productive, I promise.

Your truth will bubble up.   Soon you will start to see and trust in your greatness.


Next, quiet your mind and meditate/pray/reflect on the regular. Just like meeting a new friend, you have to connect and get comfortable with this inner voice before you are able to trust her.

Finally, trust her and fly.

And yes, that pesky Ego voice will talk in your ear, all the time.   And its good to listen because sometimes it warns you of real danger, but with your new blossoming friendship and trust in your inner voice, (your essence) you can decide when to hed the Ego’s warnings or when to tell it to be quiet.

Now you trust yourself a little more deeply and you know #yougotthis.

It’s be all good.

Don’t let another day pass you by without seeing your potential and Stepping into your power.

I believe in you!

Fly my friends!

With Love,



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