

I learned a new word, Somatizing!

Somatizing, (non-clinical definition) is when you store and manifest unexpressed emotions in your body through. We all do this to some extent, but there is a range and some of us are high somatizer and some of us are low somatizers, .

I am a pretty high somatizer, every time I get anxious or upset about something, my stomach gets upset…every. single. time. And knowing this has given me the ability to tap into the clues my body is giving me so I can understand and work through my feelings better.

Conversation Notes:

  • The Thoughts we think, create the emotions we feel.
  • Emotions are energy.  If they aren’t expressed and worked through then they are pushed down and stored, and will manifest in your body.
  • Numbing behaviors – Eating(!), drinking, drugs, over-sleeping, TV binging, Video Game binging…ect are all example of numbing your emotion
  • Emotions are wonderful because they are just a sign that something is effecting us and that something needs to change. (Internal things or external things)
  • Instead of trying to turn off, denial or push down(numbing) the emotions we are feeling, we need to understand and move through the emotions
  • Find someone (Therapist, counselor, life coach, trusted-wise-open friend) to help you understand and move through your emotions in a safe way, we can’t see our blind spots.
  • Podcast about Lamenting (moving through emotions) – Learning To Lament Part 1 – Culture of Denial by Rob Bell

I hope this helps you live a happy, healthy, energized life! Reach out if you need support in creating a life you love!



P.S. I told you I would give you another resource I mentioned in the FB live, but I can’t remember what that was, so if you remember, please let me know!

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