Steady On.

I have a pretty nasty case of “Shiny Object Syndrome”.

It’s a real struggle, it keeps me from completing projects, makes me feel anxious, and worst of all, it chips away at my confidence.

Of course, Shiny object syndrome (SOS) is not a real disease, it’s just a disease distraction and a close cousin to “the grass is greener” family of afflictions that leaves us feeling stuck and frustrated.  And with a pile of unfinished, half-done projects and to-do lists.

It’s so easy today, with the constant barrage of information, distractions, and ideas be distracted and pulled off course.  But I actually don’t think this struggle is all about having too much to distract us…I think that SOS is actually an indication that fear and resistance are creeping up for you.  

Sometimes, it truly is simply a distraction and needing a mental break that makes us check Facebook or Instagram, but if that’s the case it’s temporary and you can pretty easily get back to it.  If on the other hand, you keep finding more things to do and a strong draw to clean out that coat closet in the extra bed room or look up that new diet, or dig deep into your friends Facebook pics from that last 18months, you should probably take a good hard look ???? at what is really going on.

Because my guess is you are you bumping up against the discomfort of putting yourself out there, trying something new or pushing outside of your comfort zone?

If you are struggling with distraction, procrastination, excusing making and SOS, then it’s likely you are bumping up an internal barrier.  But on the other side of that barrier is a new level and layer of your own elevation and awesomeness.

So when I start noticing myself getting distracted, am reading yet ANOTHER article about improving productivity, checking emails every 3 minutes, pinning another workout on Pinterest…and other SOS like behavior, I have to remind myself to –> Steady on, and stay the course.

I  have already decided on the course of action, believe in myself, my choice and the process.  And I would tell you the same thing.

Steady on and you will make and you will make progress. you will never make any progress when you change direction or fill your time with as soon as things start getting hard.   And some of the sweetest progress happens just on the other side of that resistance.

You got this. You are meant for big things…Steady On

Much Love,


P.S. Have you signed up for my Wellness Workshop [More INFO HERE]?  It starts tomorrow, so you better get on it! ???? –> Sign Up HERE <—

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