The Blog Brulee

My attendance at the Blog Brûlée is partially funded by Sponsors of the Blog Brûlée, and I received a discounted registration to the event in exchange for writing this post. Opinions expressed are my own. I was not compensated for my time.” 

Blog Brulee

Ok, I am pretty stocked.  In a few days I will be on a plane headed up to Vermont to the beautiful scenic Smuggler’s Notch resort.  I am headed up there to mingle with, learn from and connect with some pretty awesome bloggers from all corners of the world-wide-web for the 2nd annual Blog Brulee. The Blog Brulee is a small, invitation-only blogging conference that is created to “Set Fire to Better Blogs” and I am honored to be invited to attend this year!

I am so excited to learn new and fantastic ways to improve my business and blog.  I am always looking for ways to provide  more value, create more  beauty, and build a more vibrant community and I just know this will be a oppurtuty to learn all these things are more!  The creators of this fantastic event have spent months gathering many    amazing speakers  and finding many generous sponsors to make this conference amazing, inspiring and fun!

So I am pumped, my travel plans are made, I have my outfits picked out (mentally of course, I like to wait until the last minute to actually pack my suitcase, the frantic, freaking out “Why didn’t I start this sooner!” energy is always very…”invigorating”) and I am ready to be set a blaze with fresh ideas, new energy and lots of fabulous and valuable information…oh and hopefully some new friends too!  Eeek!  🙂 

And I promise to give you a full update of my adventure! XO

With Love,

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