The Weekly Menu: January 25 – 31

weekly Menu Planning january

Monday: Simply Baked Chicken with Sriracha Brussels Sprouts

Tuesday:  Crockpot Philly Cheese Steak with Cut up Vegetables on the side

Wednesday: Dill Chicken with Apple-Dijon Salad

Thursday: Harvest Vegetable Soup

Friday: Easy Peasy Beef Tacos – TGIF!

Saturday:  Fly by the seat of my pants! Probably eating out or maybe Grilled Cheese sandwiches…just depends on how I am feeling! Also, this is day 30 of the 30days of Yoga for 2016 and I want to thank everyone who participated in the personal challenge!  You are awesome!

Sunday: Baked Pene Pasta with Side Salad


Did you hear and my transformational new Group Coaching program Be You. Be Beautiful, that is starting in February


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